A Couple Of Questions


New Member
Apr 29, 2006
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Grimsby, UK
Hi people. I've posted once or twice only.

I come here every now and then to look at the pictures you all post of your bettas. I'd love to get a picture of mine to show you all. Can anybody give me general tips on how to photograph my fish? I'd love to show you him, and use him as my Avatar.

I called him Lee, after my Brother, (who is a bit of a fighter himself!)

He has quite a temper, (I've noticed my pair of male guppies have been pestered in that their tails are not looking too good at the minute) One question, are the two guppies going to keep bugging him untill he kills them, or will they learn to stay out of his territory?

I love the way he ALWAYS comes to the glass when he sees me. He really is my little mate.

Also, he LOVES flake food! I thought he would be a very picky eater. But he loves the stuff... So much so, I saw him spit out a frozen bloodworm! He's a strange one...

Anyway, I'd love to get your opinions on him, so I can know if he's looking healthy etc...

The camera shouldnt be a problem, I have a Fuji Finepix 5 megapixel F601 Zoom...

Any help will be greatly appreciated...
I'm a bit of an amateur myself but the best advice I can give you is to use the macro setting (it should be like a little flower icon) on your camera. That's what I use for most of my pictures and they come out pretty decent. :good:

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