A Couple Of Newb Questions

Your tank is about 20 gallon so you are a little limited on what you can get size wise.

Gyrinocheilus Aymonieri: Chinese algae eater which rarely eat algae. They also become very aggressive as they get older and wil try to eat the slime coat off slower moving fish.

Pictus Catfish: Should be fine.

Synodontis Longirostris: The only profile I found on the Syno said that they grew to 20" so he definitely needs a larger tank.

Striped Raphael Catfish: Can grow to 8 to 9 inches so would need a larger tank eventually.

African Feather Fin: Grow to about 8 inches so also too big.

Rubber Lip Pleco: Once again, too big at 10".

Just the 10 guppies alone would probably be close to fully stocked. Not necessarily because the are large fish but because you will have a new batch of fry every 4 days (provided you have something in the 3 to 7 mix of male to female). You will quickly have more fish than you tank can handle.

Albino Chocolate Pleco: 6 to 8 inches so maybe a possibility.

Upsidedown Catfish: Should be fine. They only grow to about 4 inches.
Your tank is about 20 gallon so you are a little limited on what you can get size wise.

Gyrinocheilus Aymonieri: Chinese algae eater which rarely eat algae. They also become very aggressive as they get older and wil try to eat the slime coat off slower moving fish.

Pictus Catfish: Should be fine.

Synodontis Longirostris: The only profile I found on the Syno said that they grew to 20" so he definitely needs a larger tank.

Striped Raphael Catfish: Can grow to 8 to 9 inches so would need a larger tank eventually.

African Feather Fin: Grow to about 8 inches so also too big.

Rubber Lip Pleco: Once again, too big at 10".

Just the 10 guppies alone would probably be close to fully stocked. Not necessarily because the are large fish but because you will have a new batch of fry every 4 days (provided you have something in the 3 to 7 mix of male to female). You will quickly have more fish than you tank can handle.

Albino Chocolate Pleco: 6 to 8 inches so maybe a possibility.

Upsidedown Catfish: Should be fine. They only grow to about 4 inches.
I would agree with everything excpet for the pictus cats, they like company so you would want at least 3, they get rather large (6 plus inches), and they are so active they need a lot of swimming room. I keep 3 in my 75 gallon and would feel awful putting one in a 20 gallon. Not trying to argue just my thoughts.

Thanks for the correction on the pictus. I didnt think about needing to be in groups, only the size constraint which most of what I've read said about 4 inches.
Thanks for the correction on the pictus. I didnt think about needing to be in groups, only the size constraint which most of what I've read said about 4 inches.
No worries :) I learned everything I know about fishless cycling from your thread so thank you for that.


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