A Clown And A Goby In A 14 Gallon Is It Possible

yeah but what gobys id like a clown or citron but dunno
a clown goby gets to about an inch maybe a tad bigger if your lucky...a citron goby gets to about 3 inches...if your going to breed gobies i recommend going for the clown gobies instead. but for a mated pair you need an SPS or a fake SPS that they can spawn on and it isnt a good idea keeping a pair of clown gobies in anything under 100 litres
you would be fine with a clown & a goby, thats what I have in my tl450, I have a green clown goby & he is gorgeous & very playful, I hadnt thought about a breeding pair, maybe I should have a read up?

I saw a clown hosting in a toadstool last weekend, very sweet, I hope mine will hope in my toadstool eventually.
so could i have a clown and a clown goby and like a shrimp like a sexy shrimp or
What about a Watchman Goby and Pistol Shrimp? I think its awesome the way these two form a symbiotic relationship. Hours of fun watching them. Try watching a few videos on youtube or google video.

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