A Cheaply Done 55-gallon Tank

This plant looks like an aponogeton to me. Where is your water sprite? Is it still very small?

The water sprite has passed from this world, I'm afraid. After doing a bit of research, I found out that it requires a LOT of light, something I don't have just yet. Next week - when I get my tax return - I'm going to be buying a Nova Extreme 2x54 T5HO 10k freshwater light. Then I'll look into getting another water sprite plant, which I loved.

Oh, it was the big bushy light green plant in the middle of the tank. Dunno about the aponogeton. I'll have to do a bit of research on it to see if that's what it is.

Its a good start :) yeh get some more plants and cram that tank! :)


Thanks! I've been holding off until I get better lighting to buy too many plants. I'll update in a few weeks since the light is now on the foreseeable horizon. :D

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