A Byron update

Well, I am back online, at least for the immediate present. I will choose my postings carefully, they will be selective so I don't wear myself out as I still have barely any physical strength and that does affect the thinking too. But I glanced through the new posts today and could not resist jumping in when the subject was hatchetfish, so the ice as they say is broken.

I have cycle 3 of the chemotherapy beginning tomorrow--two weeks of treatment (one each for about 3 hours on days 1 and 8) followed by a "free" week is a cycle. My onocologist has not decided if it will be 4, 5 or 6 cycles. Extreme lack of energy is expected, so no worry there, but it does limit one's life; this would keep me home even without covid. Overcoming the nausea I had 24/7 for more than two months was a milestone, so I can take being tired even if it does mean my knees can sometimes buckle under me and just getting out of a chair can leave me panting. What the future will then bring when this set of treatments have finished is an unknown.

I do not know what to say to all those whose kind words in this and the other "update" threads Mike posted have truly made a real difference. "Thank you" seems so inadequate, but no one could mean it more than I do.
You’re a warrior, Byron. ❤??❤️??
Well, I am back online, at least for the immediate present. I will choose my postings carefully, they will be selective so I don't wear myself out as I still have barely any physical strength and that does affect the thinking too. But I glanced through the new posts today and could not resist jumping in when the subject was hatchetfish, so the ice as they say is broken.
YAY, he's back :)

We now know your weakness, hatchetfish. Everyone, start threads on hatchetfish :)

Good to have you back even in a limited way. :good:

I know you don't have the energy for exercise, but the latest research has shown doing some exercise straight after chemo (literally, you finish getting chemo then go for a walk or ride a bike for 15-30 minutes), can reduce the side effects and help you recover faster. It has to do with the exercise pushing your blood pressure up and forcing the medication into the organs & tumours, or something like that.

Regardless of that, good to see you still alive and back on here. Get well soon and look after your fishies or the weirdos like me will get them and start adding salt to your Cory tanks :)

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