A Bumpy Road

Marc Weiss is the name of the guy who I watched.  This is the link to it if anyone is interested:

However, its a long interview format, bouncing back and forth during the whole interview between Marc talking about his history, and showing him step-by-step making his own discus food.
Also I misspoke about the wheat gluten - it wasn't said that wheat gluten alone is almost a perfect food for discus, it was said that wheat gluten in the perfect binder for your food blend because just about all the protein in it is usable by the fish.
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Just an update.  I've upped my water changes to 50% daily.  Had to go out and get a 55 gal trash barrel to do this.  And I'm feeding my discus like the carnivorous pigs that they are.  Will post pics in a week or two - there should be a noticeable difference in my tank since the last pics were posted.
Hey, check out Peri now:
And a few other shots:
My Dark Angel.jpg
Wow what a story!
I too went through this. though not as crazy . You truely have had a great time setting up.
Once past all these hiccups it will be amazing. The balance once achieved is amazing :)
How are all the discus doing now ?
Aww thanks Asteria :)  My discus are all doing great now.  The key to raising juvenile discus is lots of food and lots of water changes. I've read that once they're adults the tank will require less maintenance.

Asteria said:
I too went through this. though not as crazy .
Well, so we've both been through the bumpy parts, and we're both still in the hobby :)  I try to be smart about learning, but more often than not I wind up doing it the hard way.  Hard lessons are not easily forgotten.  And besides, overcoming the bumps in the road make the smooth sailing more enjoyable.  Here's to achieving greater heights in our fish-keeping journey!
ericNH said:
Aww thanks Asteria :)  My discus are all doing great now.  The key to raising juvenile discus is lots of food and lots of water changes. I've read that once they're adults the tank will require less maintenance.

I too went through this. though not as crazy .
Well, so we've both been through the bumpy parts, and we're both still in the hobby :)  I try to be smart about learning, but more often than not I wind up doing it the hard way.  Hard lessons are not easily forgotten.  And besides, overcoming the bumps in the road make the smooth sailing more enjoyable.  Here's to achieving greater heights in our fish-keeping journey!
Thats great to hear they are doing so much better now :)

Here here!
To fish keepping and the hiccups we overcome ! -clink-
Great tanks mate. Bet the daily 50% water changes drive you crazy, they certainly would me ! Any new additions ?
I haven't posted here in ages, just updating real quick, I am coming up on a year with my first discus, purchased as a juvvenile, and now a gorgeous, large blue circle in my tank.  Lost a few, added a few, my discus are now showing signs of pairing up!  Woo hoo!  Hurray for water changes!! They work.
Will post a pic sometime...
Well, this is what my tank has evolved into over time:
It has been a bumpy road but everything's smoothing out.  I've done some filtration upgrades and tank redecoration.  My discus are stable and mellow :)  But I think now that it seems to be under control I need to get more!

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