A Brackish setup tip


Fish Fanatic
Jul 7, 2004
Reaction score
Vancouver, BC
This is just something I've recently discovered. Alot of Aquarium products are labelled either for Freshwater or for Saltwater which can leave Brackish tank owners in the dark. The LFS people told me to go ahead and use the FW ammonia test kits for my tank. Everytime I would test for ammonia it would always read that there were traces of ammonia (under 1ppm) present. I'd do extra water changes to dilute it. Finally I decided to buy a new test kit that is labelled for SW and now it reads zero like it should. So for the ammonia test kits go with the SW for a Brackish tank or you might get false readings.
I accidentally bought a freshwater ammonia test kit, it was one where it turns from clear to yellow and reads straight away. I found it worked but the colour would lump together and was difficult to get a proper read but as long as ther were no yellow lumps I was happy.
Was that one of those drip in the water paper slip readings? They aren't always that accurate. The drip tests are better.

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