A bit of help with my betta??


Fish Fanatic
Feb 20, 2005
Reaction score
London, UK
I am about to go and buy a tank for him as he is biting my guppies.

What kind of a tank does he need ie do i need a pump? thermometer? air?. Dont want to spend loads but dont want to 'short change' him...

A minimum of a 2.5 gallon tank, generally. He doesn't need a filter, but if you can get him a small one, you don't have to do as many water changes. He doesn't need an air pump, but he needs a small heater. A thermometer would help. If you get him a 5 gallon, you can get him a couple of ADFs as buddies (see amphibians and invertabrates forum). He will eat normal flake food (mine does) but needs bloodworms or other live or frozen food once or twice a week.
thx. Got all that so just need to let the tank settle and I can put him in.

Bless, hope he is happier in his new home.
I'm sure your guppies are happier he found a new home then he is lmao....Betta's are not good tank mates for guppies lol.
9 1/2 times out of 10...a male betta will kill/torment/mutilate guppies. They normally see them as rivals...since their tails are alot alike.

It's kinda like driving drunk. You can do, although you shouldn't. Because you know what could, and is gonna, happen eventually...you are just gambling on when.
Thats what big red did. Basically kept taking chunks ut of the guppies tails. Every morning I was waking up with another guppy with a hole in his tail and I just could not work ut what was going on!

Was cross because inhereted this tank and went and checked with the LFS wether all the fish would b ok together and said I would buy a tank if they werent as was told they would b fine.

Luckily :D , found this forum and have had a steep learning curve for the past 24 hrs!
If you want to keep guppies and bettas in one tank, get feeder guppies. Their tails don't grow as big as fancy guppies, and bettas won't bother them. They're also 50 cents each. :D

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