A Bit Of A Change To The Plan


Dec 30, 2008
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Long Island, NY
So my empty 55 gallon is going to be a reeftank now(yes i know i've changed my mind a lot but i have to go reef :D ) Now, i'm going to be running it sumpless as the sump tank i have is too big to fit under my stand and my tank is tempered and i've been told that overflow boxes leak. No biggie, i'm very diligent with my tanks and will absolutely keep up on my testing and water changes. I have a GLO t5 2x54w with a powerglo 18,000k and a marineglo actinic blue lights. I am ordering 2 Koralia 3's and i'm a bit stuck on the skimmer. I was told to go for a big one since i'm going without the sump, is the aqua c remora sufficient? If not can you reccomend a better one for the job?
Should i go barebottom or a shallow sand bed?
And on a sidenote-has anybody dealt with returns with DR's F&S? How are they with that?

I think thats about it for now. Thanks for reading.
i think the tmc is only in the uk, am i wrong? All the sites i found with it are from your side of town.
Actually, an AquaC Remora is one of the better hang-on models available this side of the pond. I reccomend it frequently :). Above all it's reliable which is very important with a hang-on skimmer. Cause if a hang-on malfuncitons it spills nasty water all over your back wall/floor and is a pain to clean. If an in-sump malfunctions it just dirty's up the water a bit. TBH, if you're considering a Remora, you should probably stop considering and just get one :)

Quick edit: I'd go with a shallow sand bed. Easier for a beginner :)
Actually, an AquaC Remora is one of the better hang-on models available this side of the pond. I reccomend it frequently :). Above all it's reliable which is very important with a hang-on skimmer. Cause if a hang-on malfuncitons it spills nasty water all over your back wall/floor and is a pain to clean. If an in-sump malfunctions it just dirty's up the water a bit. TBH, if you're considering a Remora, you should probably stop considering and just get one :)

Quick edit: I'd go with a shallow sand bed. Easier for a beginner :)

thanks ski, you've always got good advice. The only thing holding me back on the remora is i was told by a number of people to skim for double my volume 2x55=110, and isn't the remora rated for up to 75 gal?
Agree with ben. If you do decide you want more skimming capacity, the remora is pretty easily upgradable, just swap for a larger pump :)

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