Glad to hear that your bacterial bloom is going now
But it is wrong you know, the retailers should be more open about any problems or things that happen at first, I mean it is not a cheap hobby to get set up in is it, you cant "cut corners" in this hobby unless you want further problems can you.
Still I suppose it is modern day selling techniques.
There isn't really anything modern about it… part of the problem is that some LFS employees don't know much about fish keeping, some don't care, some are not allowed to not promote products, some get paid commission on sales, some have given up because people don't listen (I am lucky that most of my experience working in LFS was not actually dealing with customers on the shop floor, or I am sure I would have long since given up on humanity)…
So my next question folks is, as a new starter to the hobby, when I eventually put two or three fish in the tank, any suggestions what sort I should start with please ?
My daughters partner, reckons that I should get a couple of Guppies, what do you think ?
I am not intending to put a lot of fish in, I only want about 4 or 5 maximum and that will be it.
Because if I can get this new set up working right, despite my earlier "winjing" about the initial set up procedure, see how it goes and then in the back of my mind I am thinking of getting a bigger tank in another room.But that will not happen for a couple of months, get this one sorted first.
So what about those Guppies....any good ?
Just to be sure, your tank is an AquaStart 500 by AquaOne? So the dimensions are 50 cm long * 34 cm deep (front to back) * about 40 cm tall?
I think 5 male guppies would be an excellent choice, especially if your tap water is somewhere in the neutral to hard region (if it isn't, that can be improved with the addition of some shells or reef bones as part of the décor). You need to be a bit careful about where you get them from as ones at LFS are not always that great.
Best thing to do is get them from a breeder, but keep in mind that unless you get young fish, they might not live that long. Guppy life span is around 4-5 years usually, and breeders of "show quality" fish usually sell the adults which are 3-4 years old. On the other hand, they also have "culls" (fish which will not be used for breeding), which are usually cheaper (you will need to ask for these specifically normally. Anyway, here's one link: http

/ and here's another: http

Or you can buy them from normal hobbyist breeders, in which case you don't need to worry about the age usually, here's a link: http

/ and ask in the classifieds section on here: http

I said 5 males specifically because females are capable of giving birth to up to 200 young every 4 weeks (although 30-60 is more common), which would quickly cause problems in a tank that size.
Also, if you want only 5 fish, cycling with 3 ppm of ammonia (which should completely be processed into 0 ppm nitrite and nitrate) because the recommendation for 4-5 ppm is for full stock and 5 guppies is not full stock