A Big Thank You

Hi, Michelle. I was wondering if you've had any issues with your thermometer being accurate? I have one on my five gallon, and it always seem to be off. I didn't know if it's just mine or if others have issues with external thermometers. BTW, how many gallons is that tank?

Hi, Michelle. I was wondering if you've had any issues with your thermometer being accurate? I have one on my five gallon, and it always seem to be off. I didn't know if it's just mine or if others have issues with external thermometers. BTW, how many gallons is that tank?


ive have a thermometer on the outside there is now one and the in side and im getting a second one just to be sure, but ive not had any probs so far.

its 19 gals
Maybe you should consider moving some of your current fish into your new tank and increasing numbers, as you should have more than just one cory, rummy noses and neons should be in slightly larger groups (6+ preferrably), and your chinese algae eater and rtbs might some time become agressive wowards other tank mates. Not sure about the Xray fish, but possible there needs to be more.

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