A betta ill

Tropicana Man

New Member
Jul 4, 2004
Reaction score
Nottingham, England

Meet George with his fantastic red & white colours named after St.George, i had presumed he was suffering from a bloated swim-bladder infection or dropsy...:no:...as he could not reach the bottom of the tank and was swimming on his side...:unsure:.

Until rescuing him into my hospital tank and waking up the following morning to find the swelling had gone, I asked my girlfriend as she had fed him the night of the injury if she had over fed him with a reply of "Oh he had swollowed a rather big piece of dried bloodworm but i thought he had enjoyed it" ...:whistle:...i held back from saying anything else until i was satisfied with what was wrong with george.

Now i am happy to say that george had been over fed by a big rolled up piece of dried bloodworm which he had only been to pleased to try and eat the bigger than his mouth food!
I have treated him with aquarium salt and anti-internal bacteria and i have not fed him since.

So the big question is when do you fellow members think i should discharge him from the hospital and send him back home???
Does all seem well with him now? If so, he's probably good to go back home :thumbs:
Hi Kelly,
The above photo is from today and i have given him his second and last medication, i believe he is ok and seems to be happy,swimming fine,resting at the bottom is a little unstable for him, he seems to lean against features in the hospital tank alot...:blink:.

Is it a case of just watching him and waiting to see when he is back to him self again?

Also when i move him back is there any precuations i can take, i know i need to let him get used to the temperature difference and so on but i worry i may do more harm if i don't be careful with him.


Thank you mephastophilis he is a gorgeous george kind of a fella and yes i have plans to breed him in the future and will let you know when.

Kelly please advise as your advise is appreciated or anyone give me more info of my last post, im knew to the Siamese fighter fish and need the advise?

You can't let me do wrong with my gorgeous george????
well, it could be that he's happier in the hospital tank or... not. What kind of filtration does he have in his regular home, and what is in the hospital tank?

It really is a case of watching his actions and judging as to whether he's ready or not. I ask about the hospital tank because bettas tend to be loners who prefer still water, rather than a busy tank with lots of water flow. The leaning makes me think he's a bit exhausted or not quite well enough to return to the community. Perhaps a few more days of rest and quiet time are in order.
Hi wuvmybetta,

Sorry i've taken a while to reply...:flowers:, the regular home has bio,chemical & carbon filteration.

The hospital tank has nothing at all.

He seems to be back to normal...:hyper: and he has had a good rest from his home, he always seemed to be happy in his regular home although it has been difficult to feed him sometimes as the harlequins have been a little cheeky and taken bloodworm before he had chance to...:S.
sorry to hear about Georgie's troubles - hope for a speedy recovery. don't mean to preach to u, but this is the precise reason why i'm not a huge fan of dried bloodworms. never had problems with the frozen ones, except for the time i dropped a blob of them on the dresser :p
Hi noelberg,
Yes i must admit it is a concern, i have'nt really had problems before as i have two betta's that get both dried and live BW regular in their diet.
George is fine and dandy he is now back home with his inmates and happy once again...:thumbs:

What other foods are available for the betta's as i have read people feeding pellets does these mean floating pellets and what type please?

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