Thanks for the compliment guys, I must say I really enjoy having the sand bed over the gravel. I may begin to use it in my other tanks as new setups occur. Everyone seems to be pretty happy, the Blue Acara is swimming around more, tho he still spends a good amount of time under/behind the trees. He is definitely more active with the new look.
Tying plants to the wood and rock with thread is a huge PITA! I got fairly frustrated trying to get everything tied down so I hope nothing comes loose. So far so good after the first 24 hours. The tank now consists of the following:
Heater: Marineland stealth 250 or 300 Watt (don't recall anymore)
Filter: Aquaclear 70 (filled with the default sponge, filter floss, and ceramic discs)
Lights: 48" florescent light (just a standard light, nothing fish related)
1 Blue Acara
10 Bleeding Heart Tetras
4 Amazon Swords
3 patches (about 3 or 4 plants in each) Java Fern
1 Anubias (I think barteri but I cannot recall which is why I meant to do this sooner

1 Java Moss piece which piggy backed one of the ferns
The only thing that I have left is to get the Hoplo Catfish. I was thinking about getting 4 for the tank, should I get more/less than I plan to?
Also, so far I've been feeding them Omega One flake food (both tropical fish and the cichlid). What else should I add to their diet? bloodworms?