90L Low-Tech Community Journal

kiwifeather said:
they are starting to have small scraps with each other, nothing major although one has tiny nick out of its tail now. I'm guessing once I finish off the school they'll settle down a bit.
This is actually a good sign

From my own experience neons only scrap when the conditions are perfect for breeding. It could just be that they are gearing up to spawn or may have already done so otherwise they're quite placid towards each other and only "scrap" or jostle for dominance when their water parameters are 'just right' so to speak.
AquaPit said:
Nice Tank! Can't wait for more pictures with the fishes you gonna put in there!

Try looking into dwarf cory or pygmy cory somewhere in that line.. i know the gravel is of a concern for their barbels but one of those species i mentioned have a tendency not to stay at the bottom that much and love shoaling at the lower ends of the tank even up to the middle aread as well.. correct me if I am wrong.. hehe
Thanks! I'm looking forward to getting more fish in very soon.
I think the majority of folks on here don't think cory are going to do well on my substrate, so I'm going to give them a miss.
Primous said:
they are starting to have small scraps with each other, nothing major although one has tiny nick out of its tail now. I'm guessing once I finish off the school they'll settle down a bit.
This is actually a good sign

From my own experience neons only scrap when the conditions are perfect for breeding. It could just be that they are gearing up to spawn or may have already done so otherwise they're quite placid towards each other and only "scrap" or jostle for dominance when their water parameters are 'just right' so to speak.
Well then, thats pretty good news I suppose! 
All readings are still sitting at 0, which means the plants are doing their job of eating up the ammonia I guess. I'll be finishing off the school of cardinals tomorrow when the LFS re-opens I think. I'm not sure if I should or not yet (can someone advise!) on picking up the BN or Red Whiptail as well, then getting the Gouramis. 
Also, should I do a water change before picking up the new fish or wait until there is a reading on the ammonia? 
One of the plants at has some brown algae on it, which I'm sure must of hitchhiked in from the LFS. Other plants seem to be doing well, one has already reached the surface of the water!
If you want a species that swims mid to top try a small species of Rainbow they are nice and quite lively. I only have one comment about the piece of wood in your tank its not in mine I love it.
Sorry just looked at the size of your tank, may be Rainbows are a little to active.
dave840f1 said:
If you want a species that swims mid to top try a small species of Rainbow they are nice and quite lively. I only have one comment about the piece of wood in your tank its not in mine I love it.
Sorry just looked at the size of your tank, may be Rainbows are a little to active.
Indeed, it's too small for Rainbows. Some people feel they could use more space to swim about in a 200L let alone a 90L.
Personally I don't think this tank is large enough for a pleco either, cories are the ideal bottom dwellers for smaller tanks but because of your substrate they are also a no-no. You could look into rams, barbs, and live bearers. 
If you really want to invest in a bottom dweller changing the substrate is always an option.
508 said:
If you want a species that swims mid to top try a small species of Rainbow they are nice and quite lively. I only have one comment about the piece of wood in your tank its not in mine I love it.
Sorry just looked at the size of your tank, may be Rainbows are a little to active.
Indeed, it's too small for Rainbows. Some people feel they could use more space to swim about in a 200L let alone a 90L.
Personally I don't think this tank is large enough for a pleco either, cories are the ideal bottom dwellers for smaller tanks but because of your substrate they are also a no-no. You could look into rams, barbs, and live bearers. 
If you really want to invest in a bottom dweller changing the substrate is always an option.
Ahh yes, how I'd love to keep Rainbows, but I know its far too small. A real shame, one day maybe! :lol:
I was under the impression that BN's were fine in tanks my size??? If not its fine though because I have been leaning towards the Red Whiptail anyway.
Big photo heavy update!
Brought the Cardinal school up to 9 (I'm watching them trying to sort out the pecking order right now) and also grabbed the Red Whiptail after all, the poor fella was getting picked on while I was there by some Tiger Barbs and I felt sorry for him. He's actually missing an eye, but it looks like he may have been born without it, as theres no hole where it should be. There was one remaining Dwarf Gourami from a week ago, and he had a large chuck missing out of his head and looked on deaths door, I would of gotten him out of there but there didn't seem much point at that stage, an expensive fish to buy when there is a good chance its not going to make it no matter what you do. 
I'm pleased with how the plants are doing, minus some brown algae which has appeared. Overall very very happy with the tank, now I just have to decide on a centerpiece fish! Would it be cheeky to ask if I could squeeze one Dwarf Gourami with a Blue Ram pair in there?

Now the photos!

You can see the Red Whiptail has one normal side...

And one not so normal side. See what I mean how it looks like there was never an eye there?

Wow, they look great! Can tell which are the new and old, with the different colours.
Love the whiptail! Poor thing with only one eye :/
TBH I wouldn't have the rams with the DG, its one or the other IMO, sorry.
I really hope you do well with the Cardinals I have a group of these in my Tetra tank and they look great. I notice the colour is a bit drab at the moment but when they settle in they will colour up. I've had mine over 12 months and they are full size now and they sparkle under the lighting, but so do all the fish, the Serpae are a deep maroon in colour. I know with the proper care that I know you will give them they will be as nice as mine. I wish you all the luck. Please keep us informed of your progress.
I still think that wood would look nice in my tank. lol.
Quick update to say all is well. Readings still at zero. Although (maybe its my imagination) I could of sworn the ammonia was more yellow than it has been the last couple of days. Who knows maybe I had a tiny spike and its gone now? Not sure, will keep testing daily and see what happens.
New fish settling in well. The cardinals are really starting to get their colours going. One of them (I'm pretty sure its an old one) has gone the most vivid red. Very nice to look at! The Whiptail moves around more than I thought it might, considering from what I've read they are a very lazy species. He's still lazy, but about as much as a BN is. I've seen him eating as well. He was positively whipping around the tank last night when it got dark, poor guy probably can't see where he's going well with only the one eye, he was bumping into things a bit, but not hard enough I'm worried he's going to hurt himself. Feeding everyone lightly still, just to be sure. 
With him having only one eye, you will have to be careful how to scape your tank, the best way would be to scape it once how you like it and then leave it, otherwise your whiptail will have to keep on adjusting to where things are.
Glad to hear everything is good!
Quick update, tests are looking good, and after a water change yesterday, we have no ammonia or nitrite and some nitrate has finally appeared today. 
Whoops I slipped.
Olaf One-Eye: "Oh I am so done with this"
"Olaf out."
My goodness this is looking nice!!! Are the tetras still showing signs of breeding/fighting?
Wow! The tank is gorgeous! When I look at your tank, it makes me feel that I have found a secret place hidden somewhere in the jungle! If I were a fish, I would explore all day long in that deep 'cave-look' of your wood! Good Job! ;)

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