90g Wide Tank Topwater and Midwater Oddball Stocking

Schoutedeni puffers are not average community fish.

Although they are more peaceful than most other puffers, the choices you have for tankmates are limited because of their tendency to bite things that look remotely like worms.
Putting them in with bichirs and african butterflyfish is not possible, butterflyfish especially.
I haven't tried my puffer with other fish yet, but he attacks various thinner-sized tank equipment like the thermometer probe when he's hungry.
(Assuming the bichir survive their "biting tendency," a group of schoutedeni puffers are mostly bottom-dwellers and will unquestionably not get along with so many bichirs, and will make short work of even the largest ones)
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Another thing to consider is that there is 563 gph being pumped by the FX5, and another 300gph by the Aquaclear HOB. So, I need something that likes flow as well
The final stocking is leopard ctenopama + the others. I am collecting money for refurbishing and the fish. The fish alone should cost upwards of 250 bucks :nod: . Go big or go home!
I got 120 bucks from relatives. I’m going to buy Black Diamond sand from a tractor supply store - 100lbs. I’m also going to collect manzanita to scape. I also want to add some hardy plants Such as Java Fern, Anubis, Süßswasertang, and some red plants. I turned off the Aquaclear filter, so the Sponge Filter and Fx5 is going. I’ll save the Aquaclear incase a filter breaks in the future.

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