90 Litre Tank Stand

I'll try get a few actually photos as well at some point to see if that gives any better indication.
90L of water weighs roughly 200 lbs. no computer system weighs 200 lbs. and yes, a heavy weight like that can result in a failure when applied over time. (in other words, you sitting on the desk for 30 seconds is not an adequate test :p)

you should purchase either an official stand for the tank or some weight-rated shelving. i personally like the modular wire types; most of those are rated to hold several hundred pounds without failure. a nice high-end manufacturer is www.metroshelving.com, but i'm sure that if you ask around at your local hardware store, they can help you find other alternatives.
Personally, I wouldn't fret about it one bit. My office desk (6' wide) that doubles as a computer desk at the moment took a 6' 125 gallon tank for almost a year with no issues.

in the scheme of furniture, I really don't think 200 pounds is all that much. I've looked at the 'stands' in the local pet shops and the like, and for the most part they seem pretty tossed together, but I haven't heard to many complaints about them. I would put any dresser in my house against one any time.

Bottom line, its your carpet...
We had our 35litre on our computer desk for about 4 months, but it did start to bow a little - i freaked out about it (had visions of the desk collapsing and fish flapping on the floor, while the dog has a long drink a nibble) so went out and got a stand. I think the desk would of been okay if it had a support in the center to the floor.

Goodluck with your tank :good:
You're talking a tenth of a tonne on a CPU desk, as a qualified structual engineer I would have to advise you against it, it really is worth buying a proper stand, having said that I have seen some big sturdy CPU desks that might be suitable but its up to your own judgement really!
I agree with rowdy, the quality of computer stand contstruction is all over the place. I've seen some made of particle board engineered no better than a paper airplane and others build like a brick chicken house. You'll have to be your own judge in the end and many would say "better safe than sorry."

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