90 gallon

rleigh said:
If had a 500 gallon tank i would fill it with bichirs.

im glad to see youve come to your senses. haha :lol:
I'm also a big tetra fan, they're personally one of my favorite types of fish. Right now I have my 35gallon as my tetra tank. I think nothings more beautiful or peaceful looking then a nice, thick group of tetras schooling :wub: :

I often see display tanks in alot of lfs that are heavily planted with just a school of like 20 neons or cardinals in it. Looks amazing.

I love the idea of your 90 gallon tetra tank. I'd rather give a small fish a large area, then a large fish a small area. Will make the small fish much happier. :p
Wow, it looks amazing! I love large tanks filled with huge numbers of small fish, it's a very impressive sight if you ask me! It's a shame I'd never be able to do something like that myself... the thought of being able to house large fish is way too tempting for me to "waste" a large tank on small fish, but they do look impressive nonetheless

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