90 gallon

Looks cool!

If I had infinite expenses I'd definitely do much the same. Large tank full of small fish.
Other stuff gets first priority though.
It's really braw. Absolutely nothing wrong with small fish. :D
awesome tank. i totally agree with the tetra idea. i'm in two minds what to do when i manage to rehome my sailfin, add 30 cardinals or throw in 50 guppies and let all hell break loose. i think the waste attached to the guppy idea may be a problem.

in essence what we are trying to do is replicate an environment in miniture form. a bit like a bonsai tree. you wouldn't plant a bonsai in an open field would you so why put an oscar in a 90G. it may be big but er not really compared to the ocean.

small fish in a big tank is definatly the way to go if your interested in viewing the natural behavious of your fish.

you have my vote there, good stuff.
I love it! And when I get my 200 gallon (someday in the future when I win the lottery) I'm going to fill it with 100 Cardinals :D

If there's anything I would change....I would put loads more plants in there.
I love it! :wub:
I think it is wonderful. Some holey rocks would look good and give places for the fish to play peek-a-boo from...I couldn't agree more with the natural side of things. I bet your fish are so happy and truly thriving.
Good on you. Tetras are the way foward!!!! Genius tank!
(Very jealous)
:thumbs: :fun: :thumbs:
houndour said:
I love it! And when I get my 200 gallon (someday in the future when I win the lottery) I'm going to fill it with 100 Cardinals :D

If there's anything I would change....I would put loads more plants in there.

when i went to japan i saw a planted thank just like that, i even posted pics, and it looked really great, i would do that too, only i would add 100 sterbais cories with them
when i went to japan i saw a planted thank just like that, i even posted pics, and it looked really great, i would do that too, only i would add 100 sterbais cories with them

you posted pics? you have a link?
I still think it's wonderful and I think you may have got a lot of people thinking and that's what part of this forum is all about (well I think so anyway!!)
It's stunning!
That is gorgeous! I'm a self-prclaimed tetra-phile. I love the idea of 3 of 4 large schools of tetras shoaling around in a huge tank! I myself just added 12 neons to my 29...wish I coulda gotten more but that is all I have room for.
if i had a 500 gallon tank i would fill it with 500 neon tetras.

and some gars, and bichirs, and leporinus, and limas.
If had a 500 gallon tank i would fill it with 1,000 harequlen rasboro.

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