9 week old deltas

Yes,Blade :)

I love that one too,cc :wub: He's the first I ever really noticed. Since being removed a lot of the smaller fry have colored up and I see I have 3 or 4 with the white band.

Glad you like Arashi :wub:

Thats All I Can Say....... :wub: :wub: :wub:

Post Pics of the nine week old CTs :whistle:
awww,thanks you guys! I love them too! It's funny how full of themselves they are, for being such little punks they sure do think they're the bees knees. :rolleyes:

55~ here's a CT ;)


  • s3.jpg
    24.6 KB · Views: 46
*does the wow great bettas dance if anybody know that dance*

lookin good wuv. how many have names?
they are all so great wuv. that ct must be number 3 hes got nice crowns on him. i love the delta with the mostly blue coloring.
They're so awesome wuv! They've grown so much! It almost feels like I've watched them also! :thumbs:

Like I said before though, mustard gas are on the top of my list! And yours are looking spectacular and have come out so nicely! :D
wuvmybetta said:
Yes,Blade :)

I love that one too,cc :wub: He's the first I ever really noticed. Since being removed a lot of the smaller fry have colored up and I see I have 3 or 4 with the white band.

Glad you like Arashi :wub:
The white band is the start of the Butterfly pattern, isn't it? My 1st turquoise spawn had a couple with that, one particularly had alot (although not fully BF), so I kept him to try and see if I could work on the BF pattern.

shrks1fan said:
The white band is the start of the Butterfly pattern, isn't it? My 1st turquoise spawn had a couple with that, one particularly had alot (although not fully BF), so I kept him to try and see if I could work on the BF pattern.
Could very well be. Their father has it too, the same fashion,but he grew out of it a bit. I see a couple females with it :hey:

Thanks you guys, myself and the beebee's are flattered :*) :wub:
wuvmybetta said:
Thanks you guys :wub:

Arashi & cc~ I went and beanie babied 2 more just for you. I only have about 6 males jarred so far.One is kinda tiny...but mean -_- The other is in colloidal silver right now because he fell into the dirty water bucket today during a water change, so he's going through intensive de-germing.

*runs into bedroom to change drool covered shirt*

You make the most beautiful babies, wuv.
wuvmybetta said:
awww,thanks you guys! I love them too! It's funny how full of themselves they are, for being such little punks they sure do think they're the bees knees. :rolleyes:

55~ here's a CT ;)


Thanks Wuv.. :)
Wow Wuv your like the betta godess, u make up the awsomest spawns on the forum, the'er briliant even if the pic if not good, id but 1 in a sec :D

gl :thumbs:

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