86 Active User (S) (In The Past 15 Minutes)

2:16 in Florida, not sure on other places, probably ranges from 12:16-2:16

The reason a lot are online is because:
A. were in a recession and lots have lost jobs
B. Different time zones
C. Some people are at school which finish at different times
im in math class at school, and im on a computer and just finished doing a test (well, i only did about half, i didnt know much of it)

no offense, but FAIL, and how do you get a 130 gallon tank with that kind of work ethic? :blink:

No Boss!!... I really was at work today... I'm just in a different time zone.... In South Africa, the time is now exactly 3 minutes past 6 o'clock in the evening... I only work until 3o'clock... (not that I don't steal a moment here & there whilst at work - when it gets really boring) :lol:
Earlier today (at around 12h30 SA time), I actually did a print screen of the front page and saved it in "Microsoft word"... which showed (1) one user is currently active... Ludwig Venter, 0 Guests and 0 Anonymous users... I just don't know how to display that page on here, but could not believe it.... (I have it saved at work on my computer in word)...

double lolz

ima sick w/ one of the pepto-bismol symptoms and therefore cannot go to school
i am also in the US and (where im posting) school ended 5 minutes ago and its 2:45
i wish i had school until 3:45, one less hour of my mom nagging me :lol:
i am also VERY much a procrastinator, and every time someone updates here, i get sidetracked here...
I work odd hours is my excuse and am avoiding the inevitable uni work. *sigh* I know once I start I'll be at it for hours and also know I'm not gonna concentrate if the kids are here. And my son threw up on the floor this afternoon shortly after getting home. I work in a primary school and arrived home just a few mins before he did. He comes home in a taxi from a SEN school and doesn't arrive til 4pm. Monday is meant to be my day off but I worked the afternoon. School is doing a trip to London Wednesday. 8am start to 6pm, after which I go to evening school til 9pm, followed by uni on thursday. So I work, lots. Be all worth it once I get that degree tho.
Mojo, your post yesterday has a time stamp on my end of 4:56PM. I bet you thought you it was early though. It probably only showed 2:56PM at your end.
To get the time to make sense to me I have the display set at GMT-6 hours.
does GMT stand for = Global __________ Time? is it magnetic? military? mamaluigi? idk

i think i just failed lol.

ps do NOT google mamaluigi :crazy:

still procrastinating...............................................................
Greenwich Mean Time: the local time at the 0 meridian passing through Greenwich, England; it is the same everywhere
how could you not no that epic fail
I'm at work... honest, it's kinda my lunch break anyway!
see, i can fortell my fails :lol:

but yeah, i had umm diahrea (sp) that day and today is before school and yesterday was me being sidetracked. yet i still manage to pull off grades AND tennis with my most likely ADD :lol: :lol:

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