850litre tank!! 5x3x2

and the inlet arangement, it's the same on the other side aswell.


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and whole tank shot.

thats all the lighting sitting on the top, just need my ballast to come through.


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here we go... doesn't look alot different from my last picturees, stil haven't got any lighting :(


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Yep, it was filled and running in those 2 pictures, but as there's no light on the tank u can't see jack!!

this morning it was almost up to temp at 72/74 F

Very noisy though, I might put a sponge at the bottom of the sump hole in the tank as thats the main noise, the water falling 2ft onto the bottom then down the plug hole!!

It's also crystal clear!!
Looking good. I would change the floss in the 2nd and 3rd chambers to more biological media though as the floss will be doing nothing there as you already have the mechanical filtration on entry to the sump.

ste :)
Hmmm I might swap half the bay but when poured old water from another tank that i washed my filter in the filter floss got very dirty suggesting that it was going the job hat the green balls couldn't

what bio media would you suggest?
I have loved reading all of this thread it has been tense to see the pictures on the next page that is a awsome filter system and stand the tank look dead clean after you scrubed it.
I wouldnt mind it my slef how much has it cost you so far?

sand,background tank wood for stand and filter, and other bits you may have brought.

good luck with it ill check this thread tommorow 15th of december

I took £150 to my lfs and spent all of it in 1 hour lol.
got tank, heater, gravle, fish ,background filter,airpump,all the substances like stress coat and tap condishiner. the lot lol.
When I got home I spent 3 hours of my birthday setting it all up with my dad. it was grate :D
Has been quite a tense process!! woprrying about the weight on the stand, any leaks.

The tank i picked up for a great rice of £150 with the sump tank, 2 pumps, 2 300W heaters.

then the heaters were a bit crap so returned them thorugh my work and got brand spankers ones for free.

I spent about £7-50 on sand which included a bag for another tank.
urm £8 on slate (35kg)
£10 on 3 large bits of wood, 1 went in another tank.
£10 on acrylic to make, make do sliding covers.
about £30 on tubes and reflectors (3x5ft)
£30 on the light ballast.
media about £20
and the biggest cost is the wood, I think my dad said it would be about £80 but it's on a account so won't come thorugh for a bit.
oh and a few squid for the backing.
i get everything cost price and the bogwood i pulled in a favour so got it even less!!

well here's a picture of it aquascaped, I had to put my dads spot light on next to the tank to gain enough light!!


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will you be able to see the poo ontop of the sand?

Wow man thats looks wicked just need abit of green in there now r u going fake or real plants?
The y poo will show up but there shou;d bea quiet a good flow to kick it up and down the sump!!

I'll might do lots of small water changes on it rather than 1 big weekly one which will syphone all settled crap.

I'll use a mixture as i think most plants would be ripped out by the fish i will have, deffinately java jern tied to the wood though.
what bio media would you suggest?

I use alfagrog in all my freshwater sumps/filters. Its not as poros as some bio media but its very cheap and as long as you cram enough in, you should be fine. It has a large size (1"-3") so does not restrict the water either. Pic's here

ste :)
i'm not sure if i can get alfagrog locally, i'll have to check our order lists.

I may take the green balls out and replace with alfa grog if i get hold of it.

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