80cm - Tales From The Crypts.


UKAPS member
Mar 12, 2007
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Coventry, West Midlands
Ok, I can't think of another name, so this will surfice for now! :)

Some may know I've been wanting to move my livebearers and other fish from their 60cm tank as it was getting crowded. Over the weekend I've been prepping and finally, today I've got it up and running :)

Here are some pics:

The layout I'd decided on yesterday:



One large lump of Microsorum "Needle". This started out as a load of small rizhomes bought from AquaticMagic last year I believe, left overs from the larger bunch. They have since grown a lot! Probably 5x as much there. The best part is they have been shoved at the back of the 60cm tank so I've not really noticed how much they've grown...


They have also seemingly started growing some odd shapes on the ends of a few of the leaves, similar I guess to "Windelov" variety, very cool!



And a "final" shot after I'd finished filling it:


As you can see, I adjusted the right hand wood. To be honest, I had problems keeping it steady. There are now several small bits of AE aquascapping rock holding it up :lol:

Stats wise, not much to say really. Still a work in progress. I'm hoping I can continue the very easy maintenance of the 60cm, which had no CO2, TPN+ every now and then and a water change once or twice a month. I might up the maintenance on this though as I suspect I won't be that lucky with it!


Ehemi Pro 2222 filter (temporary, will swap out for my Tetratec EX700 when I can)
2x 18w T8 tubes (need replacing and need reflectors) - Arcadia i-Bar
Topica substrate topped with Unipac Zambezi sand
Microsorum "Needle" and another (not sure if it's normal or another)
Crypt. Parva/Wendtii/Balansae/Other (not sure, will get ID)
"Flame" moss/Other moss.

I'll be having the Hydrocotyle floating again as I really liked how this looked, and it gave it a nice moody feeling :)

Now all I have to do is move the fish! Just waiting on the water to warm a little more :) Oh, and I'm considering a way to mount the light unit higer
I've just finished moving all the fish and thankfully they're all settling in OK. The Cory Habrosus seem a little freaked. They're mostly all bunched up in a group. They should be fine tomorrow though :).

It's really nice to be able to see the fish! They were so well hidden in the last tank, with the Hydrocotyle filling in the top level. This tank is deeper. I've also managed to raise the light bar so I can raise the water level another inch.

Actually, as I type this, the corys are all starting to swim about on the sandy area :) Also, the guppys are chasing each other around as normal. I'm hoping the redline rasbora become more active. They didn't have a whole lot of room to swim in the last tank, and seem to be enjoying the space.

The coffee beans look great shoaling mid-front. Not too close together but nice to see them seperate into two groups, then join up again.
Thought I'd add some pics from this morning (I really should be on the way to work by now :lol: )

Full frontal:

Rasbora shoaling:


Gouramis eyeing each other up (nice blue eyes):

Another full frontal. The tank is sitting on a shelf full of vinyl... Hope it doesn't leak!
great looking tank :good:

where did you get those pieces of wood from?

Thanks! They're called "Sumatra wood" which are supplied by a company called UNIPAC. I got them from a maiden head aquatics, as well as another LFS called World of Water. Cost about £8.50 each :|
Hey Biulu. They're a species of micro rasbora, Boraras Maculatus. Lovely little fish that grows to about 1.5cm - 2cm apparently. I have about 28 and they seem to dissapear into even this medium/small sized tank.
Thinking of adding CO2 to this. I have all the gear available so why not eh? I may also swap the filter out sooner rather than later, as the Eheim Pro 2222 is quite under powered. I could either stick on my EX700, or a Fluval 204 I have kicking about... Might go with the EX700 :)
I stuck the EX700 on it several weeks back and the flow is a little better. I've since modded the outlet to give a pinched effect, making the outlet jet stronger which is helping with circulation. I've also added pressurised CO2 last week.

I added some Staurogyne around the left wood to give a more bushy effect. Looks quite nice.

But, sadly I'm going to be ripping this scape down in the next month. I bought a luminaire over the weekend, and when I have it I want to set up something a little more challenging so I'll be starting from scratch.

It also means I have a load of livebearers to re-home as I'm done with them. They're lovely fish but I want to move on to something else.

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