800ml Pico Tank - Rosco P. Cotank


Planted Section
Oct 30, 2006
Reaction score
Lincoln, UK
800ml Umigumi Pico tank – ‘Rosco P.Cotank’

Over on UKaps a few of us have been having a little fun with Pico tanks. Where Nano is a small tank Pico is a silly size. The smallest one so far has been 35ml to my knowledge. I thought I would put mine on here for a laugh so you can see if it works or not. Mine is actually the bottom compartment of a mini paper shredder :lol: I have to say that I have made fun of these in the past but as a few others were doing it and I was bored I though why not. Therefore I am following the crowd as usual. lol

So here are the specs:
‘Tank’ - 16cm long, 9½cm Deep and 11cm High. The volume works out to 1.67 Litres apparently but I filled it with 800ml after putting the substrate, hardscape and allowing for the waterline to be an inch from the top!!

Filtration – None, just the plants (a few stirs a day for circulation)
Heating – None
Lighting – Superhighlight (Direct sunlight through window)
Dosing – Full EI (3 drops macro daily, 1 drop micro daily)
CO2 – 1 drop EasyCarbo daily
Water change – 6 tablespoons daily
Substrate – Raw garden soil topped with ‘seasoned’ play sand.
Hardscape – Limestone from my garden
Plants – HC
Livestock – A Couple of Malaysian Trumpet Snails

OK so I like to have fun but take things seriously as well :rolleyes:

Here are a few pics. The lighting isn’t what is used, they are just some cheap LED pushlights I have put under my kitchen cupboard. pics come out better at night time. There is a picture for scale and that is a 4pint (2.2litre) bottle of milk





That is a very cool pico.
Miss doing Pico's, need to do some more.
It keeps getting strange light pink spots inthe sand? Very peculiar.

Pearls well though from the sunlight :)

They're only a bit of fun really. I doubt it will be sustainable for too long. We shall see how long though.

Therefore you can use whatever you want.

The smallest so far is 15ml that I have seen and was the top of a cocktail stick container. lol

yeh ive seen the 15 ml one, its crazy, im trying to set up a 1.5 litre on, and it looks better than my main tank :lol:

i used a TY beanie baby box (from sister shhh! dont tell her)

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