okay... so i haven't changed the water since friday 7/19... i've added more than necessary: seachem bacteria (7/17), tetrasafe bacteria and api bacteria (7/19), and dr. tims bacteria (7/22) - each of these was WAY more than 80 gallon treatment and i dumped the whole thing in...
i've seen 0 nitrites with my test kit and the ammonia seems to be holding at 4ppm (api test kits)...
fish are still acting pretty normal, begging for food in the morning, eating well, swimming around nicely - they MIGHT be starting to look a little 'tilted' today - but no heavy breathing, no lethargy, no top/bottom hovering...
i've got an airstone ribbon and a deep sea diver air stone and one power filter going - the entire top is open - so we're off gassing quite a bit i'd think (top is getting a glass piece ordered, it had been broken forever and i didn't want a fish to jump into it and get cut up)
should i get different brand/type of test kits? i'm using the API liquid 'chemistry' test kits... i noticed dr. tims said the water conditioner won't work with certain kinds because it negates ammonia, the seachem also negates ammonia (what i'm using for conditioner)... so i'm just not sure these readings are accurate...
i'm holding off on water changes a bit longer... i'll need to vac the sand in a couple weeks, it's staying pretty clean, but i don't it to get too dirty... i'm afraid i'll vac out any bacteria that MIGHT be doing something
wildbeta - i DO have the filters on, well one of them, the other is off because it makes a horrendous noise and stresses the fish out... so there has been one filter on since 7/19 at all times.