75w Heater

i would be more inclinde to use a 150-200 watt i dont think 75 watt is gonna cut the mustard ;)
I make it just over 70l, so the 75W should be fine :good: Both a 150W and a 200W would be overkill, each are too large on their own...

All the best
I make it just over 70l, so the 75W should be fine :good: Both a 150W and a 200W would be overkill, each are too large on their own...

All the best

Is that all it works out to lol i saw 32 inch long and just thought huge lol... sorry yes 75 would be fine for 70litres... thanks for correcting rabbut :good:
it works out 76l
is there anythink else i could add this is what i have and im putting in there
3 mollys
2 corys
and 2 honey gouramis
could i add a bristle nose and some threadfin rainbows
it works out 76l
is there anythink else i could add this is what i have and im putting in there
3 mollys
2 corys
and 2 honey gouramis
could i add a bristle nose and some threadfin rainbows

I would up the cory's to 4 min better 6 and the BN would be fine :), not sure if the honey's or rainbows would be ok but im sure someone will help out there :).

are you using the external that comes with the tank?
so would
3 platys
5 corys
2 honey gouramis
and 1 bn
be ok

I personally cant see a problem there, again someone will have to help out on the gourami's but the rest seem very reasonable to me :)

the gouramis are peacefull and good in comunity tanks so they will be fine

I just dont know anythink about gourami's lol so i wouldnt even try advise there, but if others think adding wont overstock you then it all seems fine.

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