75 Gallong Angelfish Tank

As long as you're happy with it, doesn't matter what others think :)
We only have one nerite but he/she does a wonderful job!
We ended up with 10 between Horned Striped Nerites and Tiger Nerite...must be the xmas spirit.  Ended up with more than I wanted.  lol.
My ram has decided he's an angel as well.  I'm used to seeing Rams at the bottom of the tank.  But he tends to tag along behind the angelfish until feeding time.  The swordtail fry are getting bigger.  There's 4 of them now and we still have one very large female who has to be ready to give birth any day now.  I've been trying to ensure the water is perfect in the hopes that it will increase her chances of survival.  I think once we are out of females, we will try to rehome the males and replace them with rosy fin tetras.  I don't think my tank is a suitable tank for the swordtails and I honestly did not expect them to breed this much.  It's also a little traumatic for my daughter when the females die after giving birth.  With the angels and the RTS in the tank...I'm also thinking new fry will not stand as much chance of surviving anymore. 
Saw my RTS getting chased around by the large Jet Black angel who my wife has named Vader.  It appears he rules the tank.  First time I've ever seen an RTS get chased around.  The RTS is now back at the bottom part of the tank...apparently that's his designated spot.

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