75 Gallon(us) Tank Suggestions


New Member
Aug 10, 2006
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I just got a new 75gallon tank all setup and clean.. I was wondering if people had any good ideas for fish other then discus.
thx Carine
You could set up an african cichlid tank, or new world cichlids like an oscar,or a tank full of oddballs like african butterfly fish and an eel. just a few suggstions.
I don't knokw how much help this is, but I think Bala Sharks look pretty neat and you have a big enough tank for them.

There's their profile
I would seriously never put full grown adult balas in a 75 gallon. I have a 180 and I don't think that will last them till fully grown. They are too large and swim far too quick to be happy in anything less than 6 foot.
Not really.

Balas shoal and mine didn't really settle until they were 5 in the tank. The problem is they are a big fish that swim fast and are skittish. In a four foot within 2 years they will barely be able to work up to any speed before they have to slow down again.

I say 6 foot minimum, and if you really care about the fish you may find a 6x2x2 is not big enough long term (I doubt mine will be).
Hey there! I have a 75gallon too, and they are too small for bala sharks.
As was mentioned, an African cichlid tank, or Latin American cichlid tank would be great. An oscar would be quite happy in your tank (however, I wouldn't put more than one in there).

An oddball tank would be a lot of fun. I believe the only eel good for a 75G is the Peacock Spiney Eel. Tire tracks and fires grow WAY too big.
Umm... a school of PSE's, a large school of tiger barbs (these things are bursting with character, although they aren't oddballs), and a few smallish plecos would be kool. Bristlenose, clown, and tiger are a few pleco species that would do well. I think bulldogs (rubbernoses) would too.

There are SO many things to pick from. I think the best thing to do is to browse the fish index here until you see something you like. If it's the right size for your tank and compatable with the other fish you'll put in there, then get it. But I do understand how hard it is to decide :nod: Good luck!

Oh, and to answer your question, I would strongly advise against the 2 balas with a Dempsey. Balas really need to be kept in groups (and are too big anyway), and with only two, they would most likely be bullied by the Dempsey. That cichlid didn't earn the name of a legendary boxer for nothing!

You could, maybe, keep a couple of Dempseys, firemouths, and other large, robust cichlids together. I would check with the cichlid forum just to be sure.
a 75 with african cichlids sounds sweet and would look awesome or u know theres always the pirahnas
I would be tempted to go with a large shoal of rainbowfish when adult they look amazing.There are some good colour variations too.

Check this site out






I would get a school of giant danios- or even better moustached danios (danio dangila); they are SO beautiful. And then a nice medium-sized plec for the bottom; or a group of 3 really nice ones.

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