75 gallon sand


Fish Fanatic
Jul 9, 2004
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i have a 75 gallon community freshwater tank with sand that is about 1.5 inches deep and I am worried about toxic gases building up in the sand. I have heard about the Malaysian Trumpet Snails but want something else that is a little better looking. I have thought about the Blue Lobsters but am worried about their aggressive behavior. The smallest fish I have is a tetra that is about 1.75 inches long. Is there anything else that would keep the sand stirred. :dunno:
Will the lobsters actually stir the sand? I don't find trumpet snails an unattractive solution. In fact, it is a rare occassion when I actually see my trumpet snails. You could try khulie loaches, they are diggers. Or manual stirring of the sand during water changes.

[EDIT]I also don't think that 1.5 inches is that big a deal. You shouldn't get too much in the way of toxic gasses built up in this much sand. Though it is better to be safe than sorry.

1.5 inches is fine and safe, the problem occurs at the 3 inch mark -Anne
the best way to stir up your sand is while ur doing a water change you gently slide your python head all thru it. only take out the guck at the top tho dont over suck the sand.
IMO, it's only a potential problem at 2 inches though as beblondie said, it's a real concern at 3 inches. I usually keep my sand between 1.5 and 2 inches deep just to be on the safe side though I do have a herd of Malaysian Trumpet Snails going through my sand and mostly bottom dwellers.
Wow I never knew that about trumpet snails and sand creating toxic gasses. glad I read the post. 8)

daveo :flex:

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