75 Gallon Livebearer Tank


Aug 16, 2012
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The next tank I plan to setup is a mainly livebearer tank so I had a few questions

I plan to have a few different types of male guppies, as well as many females ( I know of the at least 2:1 ratio ), swordtails, platys, mollies ( maybe ) and if it'll work out, one giant shoal of neons.

What kind of stocking options do I have? I'll use the 2:1 ratio as a minimum but I'll prob go larger like 10 female swords and 2 male. How many of each fish can I get away with? I've seen so many sizes for Mollies its not funny, whats their actual size in a 4 foot long tank? A guy who breed fish at my work told me Mollies are a fish that will grow to their tank if they have to, which means they'll dominate the tank and I cant have too many of them, but if they only do 3" or so I have more room to breath
I'd say that would depend on your filtering..

i'd juss get guppies and let them go for a few months.. but then again, Im a freak..
It will have an Eheim 2217 canister ( 256gph with media, so about 3 and a half times the flowrate for the tank ) so filtration wont be a problem. I have a seperate tank for birthing/fry
Mollies in an adequate tank can readily grow to 3 or 4 inches but the genetic variation will sometimes mean 2 inches maximum. Most other livebearers will thrive in the asme water as the mollies. Once you have 6 or more of a species, the 2:1 ratio becomes less important since there will be plenty of females to spread breediong pressures ariound. I usually set up single species tanks with lots of 1 species of livebearers and find that even a 1:1 ratio works just fine in large numbers.
Thanks for the info, my filter has since changed I picked up two Eheim Pro2 2028's so now I'm at 400gph so I can do some more stocking. It will be planted alot with Hornwort and some Amazon Sword. I still haven't found a "max" stock but I wanted a mixed livebearer tank. I'm heading out to the fish store today since they have a sale on a few livebearers but I figured guppies, some platty, and 3-4 molly. They have a sale on Platy-Swords but I have no idea if those can/will breed with platy, or with swords, or only with their own hybrid

Got my fish, set it up I'll get a cave for some of the catfish made up soon
28 guppy
4 sword-platty
3 mollies
8 platty
5 cory4 whiptail catfish

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