75 Gal Stocking ...almost Finished...ebjd


New Member
Jan 28, 2009
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So far ...

2x Electric Blue Jack Dempsey 3-4in
2x Kribensis Cichlids 2-3in
2x Silver Dollar 4in
1x Pink Peacock Cichlid 3in
1x Jewel Cichlid 2in
1x Tiger Barb 2in
1x Common Pleco
1x King Tiger Pleco

1x OB peacock cichlid 4in was just removed and put into my 20 gal. cause he was too aggresive nipping at the EBJDs alot.

The EBJD's are my main concern, trying to grow them out. Any other cichlids or cool semi aggresive fish that I could add? I also want to tryin adding a regular JD or two at some point hoping my ebjds will mate. But I dont think they are big enough yet ?? Any input is appreciated.....
Thats alot of Cichlids in a 75G and if its helpful at all my Male Krib paid the price for being agressive in my tank,he used to fight with everything until my Firemouth ripped him to shreds so those 2x JDs will probably destroy your Kribs.

The stocking is a very strange mix of Agressive and placid fish.

The Jewls will be a problem long term for the Kribs and the Peacocks shouldnt be in there at all.
a few things that really jump out in that stocking for me are

common pleco going to get very big and very messy indeed. my personal opinion is 100g min for those boys
2x silver dollars these also get fairly large and should be in a group . also very skittish probably not a good idea to mix with ebjd
2x ebjd if they are m/f and pair up and spawn be prepared to re-home or lose most of your fish
1x tiger barb you need to be either thinking about re-homing this fish or adding at least another 6 or 7
the jewel cichlid im pretty sure is an african cichlid which would make it a no-no with new worlds

most worrying tho is the bit at the bottom about adding a normal jd in the hope that your eblds will mate. you REALLY dont want to be doing that.

i dont mean to sound harsh i know its not nice when you come up with a list of fish only to be told this wont work that wont work etc.
I second that comment about the silver dollars - they are from the same family as tetras, and are shoaling fish, so need to keep 5+ obviously the more the better. And to say they are very skittish is an understatement, they do actually rocket into the sides of the tank if spooked so lots of room is needed.

However, I do keep an ebjd with mine. He is only 2-3" at the moment and the dollars vary from 2" to 5" and all is fine. They do not get bothered by any of my cichlids, the cichlids bother each other and leave the dollars well alone!

Wouldn't mix standard jd with ebjd, and wouldn't advise on keeping a breeding pair in a community tank, if you want them to breed put them in a separate tank - that the other fish will be safe, and the breeding pair can breed in a relaxed environment.

HTH :good:
You guys do now that the only way to breed a EBJD is by mixing it with a JD dont you? EBJD x EBJD cannot produce viable offspring,often they are infertile and the few that are not (much like blood parrots and Red Texas) the fry never last more than a few days.

The idea is to breed a EBJD with a JD,raise the fry then Breed the EBJD x JD fry with a true EBJD to create a 50-50 batch of fry which will be half JD and half EBJD.

Why this is the case nobody seems to know other than that Lorenzo dude in Argentina who created them who is no longer alive.

There is current DNA tests being paid for to find out for certain what the EBJD's lineage is...wether they arte Hybrids,Natural colour morphs or unnatural colour morphs,some results have coem back have be unconclusive but do point towards colour morph.....

....Of course if that was true then the EBJD would be able to create normal f1 fry but they cant..
You guys do now that the only way to breed a EBJD is by mixing it with a JD dont you?

Did you need to be as rude as that? I am sure you could put your point across in a much better manner... And how about you read the posts properly before commenting?

The OP didn't mention anything about breeding 2 EBJD's together, they said they would like to add a standard JD or 2 to the 2 EBJD's he already had, in the hope they will mate with the EBJD. So to answer your question, it appears they do know how to breed an EBJD, and so do I. But thanks for being concerned.

I said I wouldn't mix a JD and an EBJD, as my research into EBJD's seems to suggest they are not as agressive as the standard, so keeping the two together might result in a large financial loss that I wouldn't risk, not to mention for me personally, losing my favourite fish. Also, breeding (semi) agressive cichlids in a community tank is not the best idea IMHO.

To the OP:

I keep kribs in my NW cichlid community, they are no trouble at all. The male is territorial but not agressive towards his tank mates, although bear in mind that all fish are different.
I wasnet trying to come across as rude just informative :S some of you guys are a little touchy sometimes,Maybe its my phrasing i dunno.
Fair enough if you weren't trying to be rude but your post has come across that way, maybe try being more tactful? ;) I and others on here are not 'touchy' - why should we have to put up with people being discourteous? :/ I commented as this was not the first post I have seen of yours that I found disrespectful. I just don't think it is needed. this forum is here for people to learn and share information, knowledge, expertise and experiences, not to have a complete stranger having a go at them. :(

the problem here was that you assumed the OP didn't know what they were talking about, and instead of trying to find out if they did or not by asking politely, you came across very harsh, and practically slated everyone who had written in this thread.

It is not easy to convey how you mean to say something when it is in text, which is why emoticons are a good idea! :good:

I appreciate your knowledge and it is great that you are willing to share it with others, but perhaps take the time to think how you reply might come across to others :nod:

to the OP:

apologies for going off topic...
thank u all for ur feedback...and yes my stocking is a very strange mix. but that is kinda what im trying to do, mix a strange array of african N new world with others...both semi aggresive n aggresive... I know ur not supp to mix these two types of cichlids but is has been done and ive seen it done first hand. Theyre behaviours are alot diff but if u mix them in the right way...the right fish...and when they are small enough...it seems to b working out ok.

as far as the common pleco , im going to give him to my friend when he gets big enough...almost that time...plus he keeps my tank clean..

my kribs are small and havent rlly grown much but now that the ob peacock is gone....they run the tank again...suprisingly...

silver dollars are fine...never had a problem with them...they mind to themselves n nobody bothers them...

the tiger barb originally had some friends but they didnt make it....but this dude eats alot n has grown n lasted with the best of em. but he might eventually b relocated to my community tank.

and as far as the EBJD's go....my man at the local fish shop is trying to get me BG (Blue gene) Jack Dempseys...which is what u get when u mate an EBJD n JD...then u have to mate BGJD with EBJD....to get half BG fry n half EBJD fry...(as glenbo added)--this is a 3 yr process but my getting the BG it can cut the breeding time in half... I know if I get a pair they will pretty much ruin the tank...I will have to rehome all the other fish...but my intentions are to wait till my ebjds are a little bigger and add alot smaller BG Jd's n hope that the size n aggresiveness will work together n get me a pair....but then yes i will have to get a new tank for the rest of the fish cause i would want them to breed in the best conditions possible...and i think a new tank would be well worth it if I can breed Ebjds....
I have found everytime I have tried mixing semi-agressive with aggressive it all ends bad in the past.

infact im in a situation now where my Firemouth ripped my Male Kribensis to shreds and is kicking the crap out of everything in my tank,including a 8" Severum and a 8" Geophagus Brasiliensis and hes only 3" himself!
at the end of the day mate, if you want to mix those fish you do so at your own risk, you dont have to take our advice. but remember it IS advice and we are only trying to help you out and think of whats best for the fishes. if you have spare tanks to move bullied fish to then its not so bad. sometimes crazy stocking suggestions can work. juwel cichlids are notoriously aggressive however i kept a pair in with NWcichlids and they spawned and looked after the fry, nobody was even damaged in this whole process. sometimes these things take a great degree of luck. but if you go ahead and lose all your fish it is only yourself to blame :)
So far ...

2x Electric Blue Jack Dempsey 3-4in
2x Kribensis Cichlids 2-3in
2x Silver Dollar 4in
1x Pink Peacock Cichlid 3in
1x Jewel Cichlid 2in
1x Tiger Barb 2in
1x Common Pleco
1x King Tiger Pleco

1x OB peacock cichlid 4in was just removed and put into my 20 gal. cause he was too aggresive nipping at the EBJDs alot.

The EBJD's are my main concern, trying to grow them out. Any other cichlids or cool semi aggresive fish that I could add? I also want to tryin adding a regular JD or two at some point hoping my ebjds will mate. But I dont think they are big enough yet ?? Any input is appreciated.....
Ok... You want the ebjds and you think you'd like to get a breeding pair? The kribs are probably going to die. Two silver dollars are not going to be as happy as they would be in a larger shoaling group - and they're really going to be too big down the line. Peacock is gone; that's good - Jewel needs to go also. One tiger barb useless; they need to shoal also, and when the ebjds grow, they're probably going kill him while he's sleeping in that head-down position they like. Common pleco gets too large and makes WAY too much waste. Can't speak to the Tiger pleco.

I'd tend toward smaller loach as a cleanup crew and avoid plecos. I'd get some swordtails or giant danios for dithers. I'd try to get female jds, and of a smaller size than the ebjds. Ebjds are notoriously hard to sex, but the majority seem to be male, and if you happen to have females, female jds would be less likely to be a problem than male jds with male ebjds.

You need to keep the tank SCRUPULOUSLY clean; water conditions have to be VERY clean. Ebjds are notoriously weak and prone to illness. A uv sterilizer is a good idea to have. Good luck.

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