7 Golden Eel Loaches (Pangio Doriae)

N0body Of The Goat

Oddball and African riverine fish keeper
Apr 1, 2010
Reaction score
Livestock: Pangio doriae
Quantity for sale: 7
Reason for Sale: Need a more peaceful tank than I can now provide
Delivery or Collection: Collection only
Sales price: £5
Postage & Packaging: n/a
Location: Southampton SO18

I emptied my 620T of fish on Sunday so that I could use it to home my Lionhead Cichlid family and my better half made me look the fool by catching the resident Golden Eel Loaches within a few minutes! These fish are ~7cm (nearly fully grown), with gorgeous golden bodies that are incredibly narrow (~2mm diameter), that look amazing when they do laps around the tank from evening to dawn. Sadly, they are very shy and need small, peaceful tankmates, who enjoy temps in the 24-27C ballpark with a modest current. Soft ssand is essential, as they burrow into it, often underneath ornaments. A 2-foot tank is more than adequate.

Would you be intrested in swapping for a tatia sp catfish , its a new species so no idea what size it gets to lol!
Hi AlexW, I'm open to the idea of a fish swap, but I need to have an idea of what I am taking on...

Can you upload a photo or video clip showing this Tatia spp. laterally, so that we can try and get an ID from experienced Auchenipteridae keepers on here or planetcatfish?
What size is it now and what do you know/think it is eating?
What tankmates have you kept it with and were they "playing nicely" with each other?

Edit: Are you travelling down to Southampton from Ormskirk (just seen you Tatia thread)? These fish are collection only, yet to send my own fish by post, getting a bit too cold now for experienced fish shippers to courier fish.

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