7 Foot Tank

can get galaxy rasboras for less than a pound each but dont really like them and they would be harder to sell them on then cardinals
can get galaxy rasboras for less than a pound each but dont really like them and they would be harder to sell them on then cardinals
:crazy: There £4.99 at at my LFS. What about trying a pair of cichlids and breeding them to sell the fry. A group of Uaru would be a good chose.
might see if i can get hold of some decent zebra plecs and set up the tank like the botom of the rio xingu where they come from. also been offered a group of betta rubra quite cheap which i want to breed. so, so far i think chuck in a load of bogwood, make a few caves, put in a load of java moss and grassy plants, add about ten zebra plecs, eight betta rubra, 1400 cardinals, and what about about 600, dwarf corydoras? and if there ends up being too many corydoras or cardinals il just sell some on.
what does anyone think of that? and what else would fit in nicely? maybe small mid-level fish.
Hi.I would be intrested in purchasing this tank.I looking for exactly this type of set up.Thanks
Hi.I would be intrested in purchasing this tank.I looking for exactly this type of set up.Thanks

The original post was 2010 - I'm assuming it's sold by now (or the OP has chaned his mind and doesn't want to sell)

Either way I doubt it's still for sale

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