
Nuttygal! :0)

Dec 22, 2004
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There! ;0)
Are there any smaller versions of angelfish that would be ok in a smaller tank? And would I be able to keep them with 2 kissing gouramis, one dwarf, 1 pearl and 1 honey gourami?
I think that's too many fish for a 70 liter. check out the pinned topics in the beginner section...lots of helpful information. :)
Are there any smaller versions of angelfish that would be ok in a smaller tank? And would I be able to keep them with 2 kissing gouramis, one dwarf, 1 pearl and 1 honey gourami?
Unfortunately, smaller growing or dwarf angels dont exist, lol. Kissing gouramis can be hard to keep and are fairly delicate. I also find that species or gouramis kept on their own are aggressive. The pearl will grow too big for a 70litre however if you were to get red honey gouramis or dwarf gouramis then 2/3 would be good for ur tank.

I'm really thinking hard for what you could have but with a tank that is roughlu 70 litres you would probably want a couple bottom feeders, corys maybe and then a shoal or something with a showpiece fish. An example could be 3 bronze/ albino corydoras. 5 neon tetras, 5 marbled hatchetfish and a male siamese fighter fish? Just a suggestion. Instead of a male betta you could have dwarf frainbow fish?

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