
Nuttygal! :0)

Dec 22, 2004
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There! ;0)
Just one little thing...
I feed my fish bloodworm and shrimp every other day. If any weren't eaten (which they usually are by my chilids! :) ) then would they defrost in the tank?? I hope not! :(
Do you mean can you collect them out of the tank and refreeze them, if so no I wouldn't as it's not advisable to put things back in the frezzer once they have thawed.
Also you should thaw frozen products before you add them to the tank, as it can make the fish ill.
Oh I didn't know that! No, I mean if I drop a cube of frozen bloodworm into my tank, and most were eaten but some sunk to the floor without being eaten, then would they defrost and start swimming around in the tank? :(
I would recommend that you defrost in future for the health of the fish, fish will find them and eat them later as long as you don't add to many that there are louds of them laying in the gravel uneaten.
About the bloodworm, if it became un frozen they would not be alive and so would not swin around in ur tank...
frozen food is dead

if any is uneaten, it will rot and pollute your tank. If it is only one or 2 worms it isn't bad, but if it's like half a cube, remove them

i usually gravel vac about hald an hour after i feed frozen food so i just vacuum leftovers and throw them away
DMan99 said:
About the bloodworm, if it became un frozen they would be alive and so would not swin around in ur tank...
I'm guessing you mean they would not be alive. Frozen foods are dead.
frozen food deffinotly would not be alife once un frozen.

I never defrost my frozen fish food, never had a problem. You need to just to ajust the amount you feed, if one cude to much, chop it in half, decrease as nessersery.
This is what I do with frozen brine shrimp and daphnia. Take a small amount out of the freezer (the cubes are generally too big so I halve them) I place it in a small container and add a bit of tank water to thaw it. Then I suck up the food, along with some water in a syringe. The type that came in a water test kit, no needle. I can then feed the fish a bit at a time and place it in different parts of the tank. That way I can make sure everyone gets their fair share and I can be more careful about overfeeding. Works for me.
Griz said:
This is what I do with frozen brine shrimp and daphnia. Take a small amount out of the freezer (the cubes are generally too big so I halve them) I place it in a small container and add a bit of tank water to thaw it. Then I suck up the food, along with some water in a syringe. The type that came in a water test kit, no needle. I can then feed the fish a bit at a time and place it in different parts of the tank. That way I can make sure everyone gets their fair share and I can be more careful about overfeeding. Works for me.
That's a great idea. I'm going to get some giant syringes and try it.
:D Thanks guys! As I have alot of fish the bloodworm and shrimp are usually all eaten, but I was just wondering anyway...

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