65 Acrylic


Fish Aficionado
Mar 28, 2007
Reaction score
Picked this baby

Gotta replace these hinges though

Sweet, welcome to the 65 club :D. Whatcha gonna light it with?
single 250w for the start, when i get a bit more cash i'll put in some t5's with the MH, put in a recirculating needlewheel skimmer, 20 gallon sump
Cool man. A 20 long fits snugly in the stand of mine :). I'm curious how the 250 works for you. I toyed with that idea myself before going with dual 175s
im probably going to hang it high, its going to be a lps dominated (some montis and a derasa clam as well as lots of softies)

It might make a bit of shadows hear and there but i wouldnt mind the effect, hopefully.

If worse comes to worse i'll just do a 4-6 tube T5 set up.

My main concern is th cooling, i gotta fit some fans in that canopy.
My main concern is th cooling, i gotta fit some fans in that canopy.

I hear that. I have 4x120mm fans in my canopy. Wish someone made a completely plastic one as mine are starting to rust/corrode... lame
Took the doors off, gonna be harder than i thought to re-hinge it.

my plan now is to buy a cover piece of wood that is sturdy and that can cover the top of the canopy. I install the light onto it, then i buy a hinge and another piece of wood and use that to fill in a hole in my canopy for a door to feed the fish. After that is all done, i wash the tank, do a test fill, polish it, wash it again, stick it on the stand, put the sump in, fill it up with salted water, add the dry base rock, cycle a bit (the rock that i plan on getting still does have some dead crap in it) add the rock and corals from my old tank, add the fish from my old tank, wash out the sand from my old tank and use the tiniest amount in the new tank, just enough for my pistol and goby to be happy.

Anyway, what kind of flow should i get for it? Im planning a koralia 2, modded maxi-jet 600, and the return pumps flow, keep the lps at the bottom, sps at the top, and softies scattered. I'll keep the modded maxi and the return pump to push flow around the top of my tank and the koralia at the bottom. I may get another koralia for the bottom if needed.

Sounds good?
I suppose so... I've little experience with a modded maxijet though. I myself have a koralia 3 up top and a koralia 2 on the bottom with a predominantly LPS tank. Works well for me. My couple acros do OK but don't color up well in the moderate light and moderate flow
Me light (and my dogs sniffing it for drugs)


Test run

Went to lowes and got a plank of wood to put my halide on the canopy, and some hinges. So the doors are back on.


ok an update, i got a pump (mag-12), and a sump (20 long, 3 sections). I also added the light onto the canopy, a 250 watt halide with lumenbright reflectors on an EVC ballast.

Pics will come up.

There was a lot of mold hidden in the bottom of the stand, i sprayed bleach and wiped the mold off, hopefully it wont damage the stand but i worry that the mold might hold diseases, the health of me and my family is more important than a stand.
Eh, just cover it in salt creep Musho, mold does NOT like salt ;)
lol, im gonna put a few layers of primer on it, prevent more mold.

A question for Ski, what fish do you have in your tank?

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