60Lt Planted Tank

Ok sorted the filter out and have some ripples going on now, went to lfs and had a chat about the neon deaths and walked out with 5 danios of the glowlight variety as compensation. Quick check off the interweb whilst in LFS tells me these are hard as nails so shouldn't go the same way as the neons, look cool aswell.

The 2 frogs are having a hard time ATM as the glowlights seem to be very curious little critters.
Sorgan, does it look like it or do you have a java fern in the substrate? Or did you attach it to some wood or stone that just isn't visible from the pictures?

I just noticed that too.
Sorry for replying late the java fern is planted albeit not deeply, it's also growing like wildfire.

I've read that it's best to tie them (did so with my anubias) but it had already been planted and I thought I would see what happened. (tbh it's more weighed down by gravel then planted)
Firstly my apologies for bumping an old thread but I've just read this from the start and it's a great read.

Then it stops! Did the 5 danios make it? Did the java fern take over..... Like a good book it's left me needing to know how it ends :rolleyes:

yes the danios are fine and the java didnt take over to much, just a little :)

i am sorry to say that while i enjoy this tank alot it isnt victim to much in the ways of care, water changes are non existant and all i seem to do is clean the glass once in a blue moon and rinse the filter in RO every time i see a comet.

everything look ok so i let it get on with it, some platys that i have in there keep dropping fry that usually get gobbled up, we have however noticed a few making it.
Thats all well and good, but pictures are our currency ;) Hehe
Getting short on change haha any pics
Just found this journal, being a salty that has recently moved over to the planted side, it has been an extremely interesting read.
SuperColey1 your explanation of things is first class, and has given me some more insight into water chemistry, thank you for your plain english approach :good:

I would like to ask for some updated photos as well please :drool:

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