60Lt 'planted' Marine Tank.

Ok well the project is still going! The jawfish was replaced by a yellow watchmen goby and tiger shrimp who seem to be happy as larry digging holes, uprooting things and making a mess. They went in last week and where joined my a new friend this weekend. We rescued a blue stripped pipefish from an untimely doom and he is now a resident of the nano. He is only small but the goby ignores him so I think he will be ok, the tank has pretty low flow.

More algae will follow and one more fish, not sure what yet, any ideas?
I am avoiding SH like the plague, they need taller tanks and suffer from an outrageous amount of problems.
No I think either a purple dartfish, cardinal or another small goby (something from the amblygobius family)
Added some red sea lettuce today. Will take pics when it's established.
I added a skimmer as the surface of the water was pretty manky, came down in the morning to find a tank full of bubbles, a very White, very dead flame angel (ARGH) and an equally dead peppermint shrimp.
Everything else seems ok but the skimmer isn't running untill I can stop the bubbles.

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