Having some trouble stopping Nigel from gutsing the goby chow.
I've even resorted to waiting 3 hours after lights off when he is clearly asleep and carefully dropping it in well away from him - only to have him immediately go after the food and attempt to wolf down as much as possible. There's been more than one huge gorging belly
I've netted him and removed him, but I can't do this every time I feed the gobies; if nothing else, when I am away for uni my other half won't be prepared to do so when he minds the tanks. Trying to think of a strategy.
In other news, ammonia is up in the tank after a few messy feedings and a change of filter layout. I use a Aquaone 200 and have removed the plastic media and carbon pad, and installed filter floss and more ceramisub for physical and biological filtration. I will also add some purigen to remove the tannin staining the tank from the driftwood, as I miss seeing my fishies!
While it's advised not to use water conditioners when changing shrimp water for the delicate Darwin Red Nosed shrimp and Darwin Algae Eating shrimp, I've had no problem at all using API water conditioner at the prescribed rate for chloramines in the change water. They seem happy so *thumbs up*
I also picked up another CO2 canister for my system and my EI ferts arrived. 'Estimative Index' is a system of floding the tank with all nutrients required for plant growth, with a 50% water change weekly to stop a buildup in the tank. It's popular because there is no water testing required for the nutrients. A fellow fisho makes the macro and micro mixes up and then sells them, which is great for the time strapped like me
250mL each of the macro and micro, and I will be using 4mL between the two tanks from each bottle three times a week, a total of around 12mL a week per bottle or about 21 week's supply. Not bad for $30!