60L Planted Betta Tank (How To Squeeze Big Things Into Small Places)

l_l_l said:
Hopefully it does well, because those Darwin Red Nose shrimp and Chameleon are quite expensive! XD
I for my end, are going to stick with putting those lower quality Cherries I'll have in my other tank

I'll leave the expensive stuff for the shrimp only tank
Are they expensive there? Around $2 to $3 each here.
The gobies and shrimp have arrived!

Mexican standoff between Nigel and the new kids on the block

The Darwin Red Nosed shrimp settling in nicely too

Fabio doesn't escape the shrimp treatment either, with a dozen Darwin Algae shrimp going into the nano

Looking good so far 
I hope Nigel & the gobies get along! Love the Darwin shrimp.
Fabio & Nigel are so very handsome :wub:
Those gobies are precious. Now I want some. You've got some excellent shots of your new friends. Hope all continues to go swimmingly, if you'll pardon the pun.
stunning! Now I want some. Yeah in Canada they are quite expensive, people are just starting to catch on cherries now lol..
I have some video footage coming :) They are just the cutest things, both the gobies and the shrimp! Nigel has been really well behaved I must say. I think he's overwhelmed now lol
50% water change last night to take some of the tannins out.
Ammonia <0.25
Nitrite <0.1
Nitrate 0
Having some trouble stopping Nigel from gutsing the goby chow.
I've even resorted to waiting 3 hours after lights off when he is clearly asleep and carefully dropping it in well away from him - only to have him immediately go after the food and attempt to wolf down as much as possible. There's been more than one huge gorging belly
I've netted him and removed him, but I can't do this every time I feed the gobies; if nothing else, when I am away for uni my other half won't be prepared to do so when he minds the tanks. Trying to think of a strategy.
In other news, ammonia is up in the tank after a few messy feedings and a change of filter layout. I use a Aquaone 200 and have removed the plastic media and carbon pad, and installed filter floss and more ceramisub for physical and biological filtration. I will also add some purigen to remove the tannin staining the tank from the driftwood, as I miss seeing my fishies!
While it's advised not to use water conditioners when changing shrimp water for the delicate Darwin Red Nosed shrimp and Darwin Algae Eating shrimp, I've had no problem at all using API water conditioner at the prescribed rate for chloramines in the change water. They seem happy so *thumbs up*
I also picked up another CO2 canister for my system and my EI ferts arrived. 'Estimative Index' is a system of floding the tank with all nutrients required for plant growth, with a 50% water change weekly to stop a buildup in the tank. It's popular because there is no water testing required for the nutrients. A fellow fisho makes the macro and micro mixes up and then sells them, which is great for the time strapped like me :)
250mL each of the macro and micro, and I will be using 4mL between the two tanks from each bottle three times a week, a total of around 12mL a week per bottle or about 21 week's supply. Not bad for $30!
Finally found the time to cobble together some video footage of the tanks :)
Fabio sure is fast even with all that finnage! Shrimps are cute.
Sorry Nigel is eating everything D: Didn't he give you problems with the khuli loaches too? Oooh berried shrimp so cool! It is berried right? I don't know anything about shrimp :p
I love the way the gobies move! They're so adorable :wub:
All bettas are pigs as you know - it just becomes more obvious in a community tank! It wouldn't be an issue except that they will eat themselves to death. Nigel wasn't too bad with the loaches as the shrimp pellets weren't all that appetising to him, but he'd still stuff his face given the opportunity. I've gotten around it now I think, by making a cup with holes to put the gobies' food in to stop him getting to it.
The shrimp are all berried, but I don't think the hatchlings will survive; both of the native Darwin shrimp are quite delicate to breed. You can see them 'fanning' the eggs to keep them well oxygenated

The gobies are very cool, their ventral fins are fused and they use this to 'stand' up and also to run up the glass and wood and stay put, like a suction cup!
I think I'm lucky mine doesn't seem to go after the shrimp pellets or algae wafers D:
Do the gobies stay this tiny size or will you have to make the holes bigger eventually? Maybe by then Nigel won't be interested in the food anymore? :p
Ooh that's a shame they likely won't survive! I did see the fanning though, that was really neat!
Tehehe! If you ever get a chance think you could get a vid of them running up the glass?
I'll definitely take more video once I have picked up some purigen to clear the water from tannins :)
The gobies stay pretty small, about 6cm is their mature size. I have 9 so there will be 3 that will go to new homes by that stage hopefully!
Your tank and stock are beautiful. I love the contrast of the graceful Betta and the clumsy but charming Gobies! In my first tank (60l) I'm planning for a Betta, some gobies and some red cherry shrimp - after your advice and seeing how nice it is to have that contrast... :)
Just be careful with the shrimp as the blue guy was moved because he was a real red cherry killer. He showed no interest in the clearer varieties in the larger tank fortunately
Fabio the salamander killed four before he lost interest. It's just luck of the draw in that department!
The Finke gobies work because they have a very large range of water parameters they will tolerate, and they are bottom dwellers so they aren't getting in Nigel's way. I'm not familiar with other types of goby, I guess it depends on the species :D Make sure you post photos when you get set up!
Nigel is showing a substantial amount of tail damage :(
I suspect something is grabbing at it while he sleeps, as I'm sure there was more gone when I woke him up this morning.
The only culprits could be the gobies or the macro. I'm going to remove the macro, as he needs to go anyway, and then see what happens.
Poor Nigel :(

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