60l Nano


Fish Fanatic
Jan 24, 2009
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Hey All

I only got into fishkeeping recently and went tropical because Marine seemed like a lot of hard work at the time but im starting to think I could handle it as I now have a successful very beautiful imo tropical tank

It would be 60l more verticle than horizontal but would still be suitable.

I would have live rock etc, Out of interest can anyone list the types of community fish I could get that would be happy in a 60l tank

Thanks Ip
Hi and :hi: to the salty side.
60L is a very small tank, and your stocking would be very limited, probably only gobies.
It would be much better to start with a minimum of 120L, you then open up a whole new world of fish :drool:
Have a read of the nano topics and the pinned ones there are a lot of people starting up tanks at the moment that you can get some good info from :good:
As trod said welcome!
Im a certain newbie to this also.
Tried tropical but fancy more of a challenge.
Im still learning.
The best thing you can do with marine is research as much as you can.
I agree with trod, 60l is to small.
Just because you will set that up, and then want a bigger tank!
But, thats my opinion.

the larger the better! in a small tank a small water change will effect the whole tank drastically; in a larger tank you have more water so a slightly larger margin for error so you can act alot better! it also gives you more stocking options :good:

i think 30 gallons is a great size! nice commnity fish, how about a pair of clowns? and a firefish and you would still have more space ^^
Ok great, I would love a wide range of fish so I would buy a larger tank hehe

Just researching for now theirs soo many beautiful fish down my LFS, would love some live rock etc

Think I will start to do some reading thanks all :)
Ok great, I would love a wide range of fish so I would buy a larger tank hehe

Just researching for now theirs soo many beautiful fish down my LFS, would love some live rock etc

Think I will start to do some reading thanks all :)

tis fine =] if you need any info im sure we would all be glad to help :)

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