60L Marine Tank


Apr 26, 2010
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So, I want to try a small marine tank! I currently have a 60 Arcadia Arc tank sitting empty want fancy trying marine with it.

I am wanting to know what equipment I would need to start up. I currently have a filter what came with the tank. 24w plant pro lights. 50w heater.

I would also like to know how much live rock I would need. (I would like enough to be able to not have a filter)

Then lastly, I would like to know what I could stock in it.

F.Y.I: I will use RO water which I can buy from my LFS.

Thanks in advance!
So, I want to try a small marine tank! I currently have a 60 Arcadia Arc tank sitting empty want fancy trying marine with it.

I am wanting to know what equipment I would need to start up. I currently have a filter what came with the tank. 24w plant pro lights. 50w heater.

I would also like to know how much live rock I would need. (I would like enough to be able to not have a filter)

Then lastly, I would like to know what I could stock in it.

F.Y.I: I will use RO water which I can buy from my LFS.

Thanks in advance!

1. Live rock, about 1lb per gallon or 1/2 kilo per gallon, but it depends on the type of rock. The more porous, the less you need.
2. Power heads, aim for 20x turnover, though take into account that most power heads only actually produce 1/2 of the flow they advertise
3. Heater
4. Refractometer (to measure specific gravity)
5. Test kits (ammonia, nitrate, high end pH, nitrite)
6. Source for water (RO)
7. Salt mix, depends on what you want, I use Red Sea Coral Pro
8. Power head to mix the saltwater you've mixed
9. Buckets
10. Light timers
11. Power strip
12. substrate, I use Livesand, about an inch or so
13. Some people use a skimmer
14. Refugium of some type; I use a HOB powerfilter as one, but they sell ready made ones, can be pricy. It's optional
15. Lighting is up to you; if you keep what you have, you'll be limited to mushrooms and nps corals. Nps corals, however, require heavy feeding and excellent water conditions.


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