600l Tank - Finally Built - Day Three Pics And Update


Fish Crazy
Feb 24, 2006
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First Post.

No pictures for this post, just starting the thread with what's happened so far and what I'll be doing. This thread will porbably end up as much for me to remember where I'm up to and where I've come from as anything else. Pictures will arrive on 6th may and continue from there.

The tank is planned to be mimicing a very slow moving swampy river.

At one end of the tank there will be a tangle of mangrove roots with riacca grass growing beheath it. There will be lots of cover. Moving to the other side, this will become more like the stream bed, with sand and fine gravel substrate in about a 75/25 mix. This will slope downwards to give the idea of the shallows falling away to the deeper middle

Water will be quite dark, with lots of tannin and probably some peat in the water

Plants will be limited, as will mostly be wood and rocks, but thinking sword plants, something floating, maybe some crypts etc. Lots of dark greens and reds

For stock, I'm thinking a shoal of lemon tetra's, a shoal of black widow tetras/tiger barbs ( probably the former ) a shoal of corys, maybe some angel fish if I plant quite heavily. Other stuff as well as it seems right. Will also be having LOTS of shrimps of as many differnent kinds as I can get, maybe a couple of crabs/crayfish as well. ( maybe ). Maybe a couple of elephant noses when the tank is well matured.

I was going to go with a sump option, but I can't get my marine tanks sump setup ( weir box, pumps etc ) to be quiet, and as this is the living room, it needs to be virtually silent.

52x20x29" tank custom built by AC Aquatics
Tank hood - being built by MNS designs

Built in 12mm glass, which is unfortunate as added to the cost a fair bit. Tank is being built by AC Aquatics in Gateshead.

Tank is such strange dimensions so as to fit onto an existing unit flush. Had to be so tall so as to fit with the "decor" in the living room. I have no idea what this means in aestetic terms, it's being dictated by the fiancee, however, it does mean more space than I was originally planning!

Tank and hood will be collected from Gateshead on 6th May.

Tasks to do before tank arrives:

Reinforce the floor!: Discovered to great dismay that the floor in living room is chipboard, not anything stronger. Therefore, have to cut a damn big hole in the floor, shutter off the holes, and then fill with concrete, then re-board totally flush. Also need to run buytl around the concrete as it will come slightly above the damp course.

Drill out the wall: The living room wall shares a wall with a garage that we can't get the car in, thanks to next doors extensions. therefore, all filtration, heating etc will live in there. There will be three holes: an IN and Out to filtration, and a TOP UP to reserve water tank.

Send fiancee away for the weekend: Fiancee has OCD quite badly, so has only agreed to holes in floors and walls if she doesn't see them. Hence I find myself 50% of the cost of her and her friend having a weekend at the most haunted hotel in UK. ( Yes, it's true, she really believes in ghosts.....)

Paint back of tank. Still undecided between black, dark blue and light blue. However, have a week and a bit to decide

Build very strong 3 foot shelf in garage: I have had a "NO buckets of water being carried accross the new carpet" rule imposed on me, so I had to be inventive. Removing ater will be easy, I'll be getting/making a Python. Getting water in is different. The plan is to have a3 foot tank mounted high up in the garage that will have a heater, water and de-chlorinator in it. This will be topped up from the hopse pipe and left to heat and age. A pipe will run through the wall to near the top of the tank with a tap on it. When it's time to add water, it's just a case of turning on the tap and water top ups are done!! Horray, no more buckets!

Primary shopping list:
There are probably a million and one things I need to get. However, this is my basic list:

2x 300W fluval tronic heaters
1x 200w filter for topup tank
1x Fluval Fx5 filter/ ehiem 2028. Still can't work out which one to get.
substart for filter
Substrate for tank
1x 3 foot tank ( second hand )
1x FR509 fluid bed filter
2x powerheads
1x tiny powerhead
20 foot of spraybar tubing
various taps/connectors in 16mm
Bio-spria if I can find it.
plants from www.java-plants.com
2x thermometers ( one for each end )
3x t5 lights and ballasts ( 1x double and 1x single )

The reason for so much spraybar is that I will be running a spraybar along the botttom and side of the tank right on top of the substrat. This will be powered by a powerhead, and it's sole purpose is to create some turbulance at the bottom to ensure that any waste is suspended for longer, meaning that it's more likely to hit the filters rather than get stuck on the sand. This will take a good bit of fine tuning

Tank will be fishless cycled, with bio-s if I can find it, otherwise as rapid a cycle as I can possible do. The FBF will take up to 40 days to colonise apperantly, but it does mean I can get a small stock of fish in within a few weeks.

Floor needs reinforcing, walls drilling and plumbing completed by the time fiance comes back. Probably also need to get lighting done as well. My friend is coming over for the weekend, so we are expecting a couple of very long days!

Lots of photos to be posted in the next couple of weeks, and I will keep this updated as tank matures.

First Post.

No pictures for this post, just starting the thread with what's happened so far and what I'll be doing. This thread will porbably end up as much for me to remember where I'm up to and where I've come from as anything else. Pictures will arrive on 6th may and continue from there.

The tank is planned to be mimicing a very slow moving swampy river.

At one end of the tank there will be a tangle of mangrove roots with riacca grass growing beheath it. There will be lots of cover. Moving to the other side, this will become more like the stream bed, with sand and fine gravel substrate in about a 75/25 mix. This will slope downwards to give the idea of the shallows falling away to the deeper middle

Water will be quite dark, with lots of tannin and probably some peat in the water

Plants will be limited, as will mostly be wood and rocks, but thinking sword plants, something floating, maybe some crypts etc. Lots of dark greens and reds

For stock, I'm thinking a shoal of lemon tetra's, a shoal of black widow tetras/tiger barbs ( probably the former ) a shoal of corys, maybe some angel fish if I plant quite heavily. Other stuff as well as it seems right. Will also be having LOTS of shrimps of as many differnent kinds as I can get, maybe a couple of crabs/crayfish as well. ( maybe ). Maybe a couple of elephant noses when the tank is well matured.

I was going to go with a sump option, but I can't get my marine tanks sump setup ( weir box, pumps etc ) to be quiet, and as this is the living room, it needs to be virtually silent.

52x20x29" tank custom built by AC Aquatics
Tank hood - being built by MNS designs

Built in 12mm glass, which is unfortunate as added to the cost a fair bit. Tank is being built by AC Aquatics in Gateshead.

Tank is such strange dimensions so as to fit onto an existing unit flush. Had to be so tall so as to fit with the "decor" in the living room. I have no idea what this means in aestetic terms, it's being dictated by the fiancee, however, it does mean more space than I was originally planning!

Tank and hood will be collected from Gateshead on 6th May.

Tasks to do before tank arrives:

Reinforce the floor!: Discovered to great dismay that the floor in living room is chipboard, not anything stronger. Therefore, have to cut a damn big hole in the floor, shutter off the holes, and then fill with concrete, then re-board totally flush. Also need to run buytl around the concrete as it will come slightly above the damp course.

Drill out the wall: The living room wall shares a wall with a garage that we can't get the car in, thanks to next doors extensions. therefore, all filtration, heating etc will live in there. There will be three holes: an IN and Out to filtration, and a TOP UP to reserve water tank.

Send fiancee away for the weekend: Fiancee has OCD quite badly, so has only agreed to holes in floors and walls if she doesn't see them. Hence I find myself 50% of the cost of her and her friend having a weekend at the most haunted hotel in UK. ( Yes, it's true, she really believes in ghosts.....)

Paint back of tank. Still undecided between black, dark blue and light blue. However, have a week and a bit to decide

Build very strong 3 foot shelf in garage: I have had a "NO buckets of water being carried accross the new carpet" rule imposed on me, so I had to be inventive. Removing ater will be easy, I'll be getting/making a Python. Getting water in is different. The plan is to have a3 foot tank mounted high up in the garage that will have a heater, water and de-chlorinator in it. This will be topped up from the hopse pipe and left to heat and age. A pipe will run through the wall to near the top of the tank with a tap on it. When it's time to add water, it's just a case of turning on the tap and water top ups are done!! Horray, no more buckets!

Primary shopping list:
There are probably a million and one things I need to get. However, this is my basic list:

2x 300W fluval tronic heaters
1x 200w filter for topup tank
1x Fluval Fx5 filter/ ehiem 2028. Still can't work out which one to get.
substart for filter
Substrate for tank
1x 3 foot tank ( second hand )
1x FR509 fluid bed filter
2x powerheads
1x tiny powerhead
20 foot of spraybar tubing
various taps/connectors in 16mm
Bio-spria if I can find it.
plants from www.java-plants.com
2x thermometers ( one for each end )
3x t5 lights and ballasts ( 1x double and 1x single )

The reason for so much spraybar is that I will be running a spraybar along the botttom and side of the tank right on top of the substrat. This will be powered by a powerhead, and it's sole purpose is to create some turbulance at the bottom to ensure that any waste is suspended for longer, meaning that it's more likely to hit the filters rather than get stuck on the sand. This will take a good bit of fine tuning

Tank will be fishless cycled, with bio-s if I can find it, otherwise as rapid a cycle as I can possible do. The FBF will take up to 40 days to colonise apperantly, but it does mean I can get a small stock of fish in within a few weeks.

Floor needs reinforcing, walls drilling and plumbing completed by the time fiance comes back. Probably also need to get lighting done as well. My friend is coming over for the weekend, so we are expecting a couple of very long days!

Lots of photos to be posted in the next couple of weeks, and I will keep this updated as tank matures.


Sounds like a big project, seems you've got it pretty well planned out.

Looking forward to seeing some pictures sounds like it will be very impressive.

600 litres! My girlfriend complained about my humble 57 litre tank.... LOL

Billy the Fish :D
Having an exceptionally understnding fiancee makes everything go a LOT more smoothly!

However, there is bribery here as well.

In return for the tank she got to choose where we go on holiday this year, got taken shopping and for dinner, and made me promise that we can get a cowfish for my marine tank.

This means that I can get almost none of the fish I actually wanted, but can live with it, as it still means two big tanks, and also lots of shrimp!

I am actually considering if my current 100l tank should be converted into just a shrimp and plan tank. I'm honestly more interested in the invertibrates than the fish most of the time....

Roll on May!! Can't wait to see the start of this huge project, you must post as often as poss so we can see how its coming along. Best of Luck!! :drool: :good:
Yes, am really looking forward to it as well.

Now that it's coming I am geting a bit daunted by the size of it due o the fact I will be running it sumpless. After the on-going disaster with my marine tank ( on hold for the duration ) I'm now a lot more worried that I was.

Think that it may also be too deep. 29" is going to be a swine to plant and aquascape, and filtering the sand will be a royal pain as well.

Having second thoughts after pahying for the tank is NOT the right time!!!

Camera and spare batteries on standby. My friend Steve is coming over tonight so we can have a walkthrough of all the things we have to do and make a compelte shopping list and timeline so we can get it all done in one go.

Measured the wall last night to find that it is 14" thick due to the cavity wall. This is a major issue, as my drill is only 12" long. Now have to find a 18mm x 2" drill.

No one has one for 30 miles! argh.

Post pics of everything. Even the wall DIY and garage work. Interested to see how much your other half is letting you get away with. Like Billy the fish it took me an age just to get a 45 litre tank in the lounge. Got my eye on a 4ft by 2ft on ebay thou :hey:
Second post:

Today was shopping day. I made the following purchases:

Ehiem Pro III filter ( got bigger as I want it to drive the FBF )
Deltec Fluid bed filter
De-nitrator to remove nitrate
2x polyfilters ( normal size )- want a massive shrimp population, so no copper allowed!
8 litres of filter media
1kg FBF sand
1kg crabon
1kg peat
1x 30w vectron 1 Uv sterilisor

10M of 16mm piping
5m of 25mm piping
4x interconnecting taps

1x Instalation kit 1 + 3x extension kits to get pick up to bottom of tank

2x hagen tronic heaters @ 300W
2x theromoeters

1x dual 54 watt T5 ballast
1x single 54w T5 ballast

1xwhite light
1xblue atanic light
all 48" long

100 foot ethernet cabling ( to wire everyting up the my server )
2x stealth pc case fans
1x fan controller
1x stepdown unit
5kg of plant compost for plants
2xpower heads
BALL VALVES FOR 16MM PIPING!!!!!!!!!!! ( no one sells there. need them for FBF and de-nitrator)

Total cost: more than expected! ( £91 over budget. Sod :/ )

I still need to track down the following items and can't find them anywhere:
48" "beauty light" in t5 size
48" reflectors
taps that will take 25mm pipe
bio-spiria in the UK!!!
clips to hold reflectors to t5 lights
clips on suckers to hold 16mm piping

Needed: Advice on how to remove hardness from water.

So, nearly there. Everything but lighting came from Aquatics on-line

Will order plants next week so that they arrive after tank is set up

fish to follow in probably 3-6 weeks

Planned stocking list.
elephant noses
black widow shoal
clown loaches
lemon tetra's

May also look to get some Altum Angels as well. Depends on how big the tetra shoal is and how well tank matures.

Think I need a bit more clour in the tank. Not sure what else to get. Anyone got any suggestions?

Lastly, we worked out what we're going to do with the floor and shelves in Garage. Floor will be re-enforced with a mesh or triangles ( you'll see in pic's next weekend ) and the cabinet will be reinforced at the base, sided and top with Marine ply. underneath of the top of unit will also be reinforced with bracing.

Rather than just having a single shelf, the plan is to build a floor to ceiling unit in the garage, with filters on the bottom shelf, tank on the top, and two shelves for storage.

More updates soon, and pics as soon as there is anything to photograph.

Like jonseyUK says we want pics of EVERYTHING, can't wait till you start posting them!!! It a huge undertaking, and I wouldn't like your shopping bill! :lol: I'll look fabulous when finished, but part of the fun is watching it all come together, and we want to share that with you, please. :thanks:
maybe rams.
plecs(L numbers for best looking)
maybe raspboras
or rainbows
the possibilities for species are endless

lookin forward to pics
This is the current tank.

The new tank will have a base that covers the whole of the base of the unit. The rim of the tank will be level with fireplace. This should give you some idea about what kind of size it will be. Having looked at the photo, it looks even bigger than it does when I measure it.

Base unit is 53" x 20"

You'll see that the unit it's going to be on is very strongly built, but full of drawers, so can't house a filter, hence the holes. The holes through to the garage will be drilled slightly below the dado about 10" either side from centre.


The next is a couple of my fish. I took lots but an really bad with a camera, so onl;y saved a few. Wanted to show my endlers, but messed up 14 shots in a row.



One of the many shrimp:


Will try to take more. At least a static build will be easier to photo than moving fish!


What a crazy coupl of days, with lots of highs and lows.

Highs were getting the first shipment of all my orders:
Now residing in my garage are:
Ehiem Pro 3 ( which is massive!!)
20m 16 mm piping
25w UV sterilizor ( which is also huge!!)
lots of connectors
10Kg of plant compost/fetilisor
sand fo fluid bed filter
2x 300w electronic heaters
10kg of filter media
lots of little bits

All my junk::


The size of the filter is enormous:


It holds this much media:


Random bits and bobs:


Still to come is the fluid bed filter, more connectors and taps, powerheads, spraybars etc etc etc.

1st 4 Aquatics are sending the lights, have had no word on these yet, so hoping they turn up soon.

The tank and hood are now complete as well! Hurrah! tank is now curing and hood is having it's seond coat of varish this lunchtime.

However, I've been hit with some serious issues as well:

I might not be able to get the tank until next week, as it's looking very difficult to get up to gateshead this weekend coming. (* boo and hiss!! ) This means that I also can' get the hood. :angry:

It also turns out that even if I DO get the tank this weekend, I can't actually do anyhing with it, becuase it will take 1 day per mm of glass to fully cure.

This means that I won' be able to have it set up for at least 8 days after I get it if it turns up this weekend Grr!!

Am now thoroughly grumpy. Had been so looking forward to this weekend, and now looks like I will hav to wait another week.

All I can do this weekend is reinforce the floor and paint the back of the tank. I can't drill any holes, which means I can't do the shelving in the garage, which means I can't get the spare water tank set up etc etc etc

Yours in disappointment

awwwwww gutting, sounds like an amazing project though, good luck with it :D
Apologies, links to pics didn't work.

Now added.

Very exciting to do such a fantastic upgrade ! :good: You're fish are not going to know what to do with all that space. Great to see all the pics as you go along :D

Ps: sorry to hear about the hiccups - but it will all work out in good time :)

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