60 Gallon Planted Project - Seeking Advice!

sounds good, lots of info, thanks! So I guess after some more research, EI does make the most sense. I am looking at the EI fert package from Green Leaf Aquariums. Comes with KNO3, KH2PO4, and K2SO4, along with the trace. Would this probably be enough ferts if dosed by the EI charts? I know some people end up dosing additional iron to meet their plant requirements. 
Also, do you think the two T5 HO bulbs will work with everything else I'm running? 
I'm going to hopefully place the order tonight and get everything moving so I can start setting up next week. 
Thanks for all the help so far! Really stoked about this
I bought mine from a guy who was on a different forum, and was US based... And I added a 'microferts' mix:
B- 0.09ppm
Cu 0.01ppm
Fe 0.50 ppm
Mg 0.11 ppm
Mn 0.14 ppm
Mo 0.0038 ppm
Zn 0.03 ppm
dGH 0.02

It was a beautfiul mix.
I dosed the macros every other day, and the micro on the days in between.  Rest day and water change.
Sounds, good, thanks. A bit off topic, but what do you think a fair price to sell my loaches at might be? They're in great health with nice coloring, and are 4-5 years old and roughly 5". I've never seen them for sale at this size so I really wasn't sure what a good price would be. 
I couldn't tell you that... sorry.  I've never kept loaches, because they aren't suitable for my tank.  Never even thought about it.  
Have a check around a few auction sites though, you might get a baseline of what 'reasonable' is...  aquabid.com might be a good start.

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