6 week old mustard gas'

ahnbsbwnwknf! im in aww and cant even talk lol. how could i get one shipped to me. im so very interested and i would love to have one. :kewlpics: :kewlpics: :wub:
wow :D that is INCREDIBLE!! mine's already 3 weeks now and i'm not at half the stage yours is at :rolleyes: congrats, they are turning out to be soooo purdy!!!! :wub:
-jaw drops three feet, makes grabby motion and incoherent noises-

omg. i love the Pharoah/Gas Bettas. omg. i want

-cries- i just need a job, and money, and several fishtankshelves.
They're adorable. :wub: I feel like I'm there watching them grow up because of all their "progress" pics. :)
They look great Kelly! They really seems to be growing fast. They seem big for 6 weeks, although I know pix can be deceiving.

Cutecotton...I think you'll be surprised how much they grow the next couple of weeks, you're about to get into the growth spurt age :)

shrks1fan said:
Cutecotton...I think you'll be surprised how much they grow the next couple of weeks, you're about to get into the growth spurt age :)
Thanks Linda! And I agree! Don't worry cc, suddenly they'll get hungry all the time and double their size in nearly a week :nod:
:hyper: really :D good thing too becuase i'll be done summer school and all that so i won't have anything to do but stare at them 24/7 :rolleyes:
wuvmybetta said:
Thanks you guys :wub: I like em quite a bit :whistle: :wub:

cff~ just a few more weeks :thumbs:
ok awsome, these few weeks are going to feel like months cause im so excited.lol :cool:

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