6 Months In Update.


Fish Crazy
Jul 13, 2008
Reaction score
Spalding, lincs
This afternoon and evening i completed the transferral of water, livestock, rock and coral from my bedroom tank to my trigon 190 corner tank in the lounge.

All went ok but was a bit time consuming and a bit head scratchy in places.

I have made the following alterations to my trigon:-

1. Swapped out the standard lamps for 2 x 18 watt actinic blue
2. Fitted 2 x 36 watt power compacts under the hood, With daylight blue bulbs.
3. Removed the internal filter box and threw as far as i could.

in the coming days i am going to purchase a twin set of tmc aquaray marine whites which will also go under the hood.

Photos to come once the dust has settled.
I wouldn't go with the Aquarays just yet if you intend to keep corals.
too late fella.

Just installed em and they look awesome.

That bright halide whiteness and rippling effect too.

Will post pics when i stop cooing at them.

Just out of interest why are you advising i hold off?
Ok no worries.
I was going to get some but
I was advised by the local reef club not to purchase them as they are not really good for coral growth.
my softies are going great guns under mine, would need some silly money to do a hard coral reef with them though. My lfs uses only these now but they have a few grands worth over their coral tanks.
dont forget i have t5's and t8's running too.

In the long run i will get a strip of blue aquarays too.

My lfs showed me these over an unlit tank and it showed up many colours that the actinics weren't.
yeah i had all that from my lfs, thats why i ended up buying them. When i get some more money and get into my coralsa bit more im either going to add a small mh or some more of these leds.
ok here are the first shots. some with added aiptasia which will be zapped once my aiptasia x arrives.



I will do some in a bit to show the changes in lighting.
ok here are some lighting comparison shots using my zoa colony as the test bed.

actinic first (2 x 18w t8's)

aquarays only (2 x 12w marine whites)

t5's only (2 x 36w daylight blue)

aquarays and actinic together

all lights together

and finally a full tank shot.

The differences between the lighting isn't as apparent in the photos as it is in the flesh.
I am very impressed with the aquarays though.
You have done a nice job there Mutant.

The Aquarays photos is really nice.

Oh and I spy with my little eye... AIPTASIA :lol:
not updated for a few weeks so here is the latest goss.

I added a 2nd common clown before the new tanks territories were established. Was told by lfs that this would be the best time and have had few problems in doing this. The pyjama wrasse was a bit aggressive for the night but it soon stopped.

a few weeks later i was in the same lfs and saw a spotted mandarin who was eating frozen and against my better judgement i bought him. What is it about these fish that make you buy them? Haven't regretted it and plan to top up my copepod population monthly.

Last week i took a drive to lincs aquatics ( formerly woodthorpe aquatics) and came home with a strawberry spotted mushroom rock.

then i saw this little beauty at the water zoo in peterborough. It was marked up a "knobbly Anemone Stone" i'm sure somebody will give me the correct name, looks like yumas to me.

And i also accidentally reserved a Coral beauty that had just come in. I will let them quarantine it for a few weeks before i collect but i cant wait to get him in the tank.
Nice finds Mutant :good: looks like a Yuma to me as well.

How do you acidentally order a Coral Beauty may I ask :p :D

Seffie x

i was not looking for another fish when i saw my mandarin but was dazzled by its ( Coral ) Beauty.

Would have ideally liked a flame angel but my pockets are not that deep.

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