6 Gallon Tank...


New Member
Feb 8, 2010
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Hi there,

last week a baught a new fish tank, the Fluval Edge 6 gallon tank (http://www.hagen.com/uk/aquatic/addinfo/fluval_edge_discover.cfm).

Yesterday I baught 5 rosy tetras, one of them seems to be constantly swimming into the other rosy tetras and or nipping them. Is there anything I can do about this?

Also, If I was to introduce another 3 or 4 neon tetras, would I be over crowding the tank?


Mr Moreland
one of my danios used to do this to the extent that the rest stayed at one side of the tank only to be chased back if they came out, what i did was net the offender and prop the net at the top of the tank so still in the water and left it for a day, if it still does it do it again, after a few times the danio stopped doing it not saying it will work for you but did for me. as for overstocking main thing you gotta be careful of in a small tank is keeping the water quality good, i started off with 5 danios (later adding 2) 2 loaches and 5 glass shrimp in a 5 gal and i had to keep a strict eye on my parametres, eventually had to transfer them to a 64 litre tank. With schooling fish space isnt such an issue i dont think but you have to be able to keep the water quality good so make sure you have atleast ammonia and nitrite (not to be confused with nitrates) testing kits. Id go by eye with adding more fish (keeping in mind they do grow if you dont intend to get a bigger tank for them) if they will school together but in such a small amount of water you have to keep up with water maintenance.
You might need to check the beginners resource pinned topic, it sounds like your tank isn't cycled, which is going to cause more problems than nipping.

I left the tank running with the filter on for a week before I introduced any fish, isnt this for the water cycle purpose?

Also I have now left it for another week so I can introduce more fish,

for my understanded is the cycling to let the bacteria to grow in the tank and the filteR?

My rosy tetras have now been in for 7 days, that is enough time to introduce a couple more isnt it?

Thanks again for you help and comments.

I left the tank running with the filter on for a week before I introduced any fish, isnt this for the water cycle purpose?

That isn't cycling. To cycle a tank before getting fish, you need to add liquid ammonia, and it takes several weeks. You are now doing a fish-in cycle - read here for more information.

It explains what is happening in your tank at the moment, why you should be testing the tank daily, and what to do to keep your fish healthy. You should not add any more fish for a few weeks yet, as the link explains.

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