5gallon options

Neons need much more swimming space. I have a few stocking suggestions..


1x Dwarf Puffer
Maybe two? :/

3x Male Guppies

1x Male Betta (Tell her they are only boring because they are BORED.)
3x ADF

4/5x Pygmy Cories

Hm..Up it to a 10 gallon, and then we'll talk. :p

I already have a betta adf tank and it is boring
small tanks are easier to keep when you have one day to change already almost 200 gallons

Would cherry barbs as suggested work? I would like someone else to verify just cause there is already other conflicting advice thankyou
Personally I'd go for a very heavily planted tank (they're always nicer to look at) containing:

3 Corydoras habrosus or 3 corydoras pygmaeus
1 male guppy (I know you didnt want common livebearers, but thats all I can think of would go in a tank that small)
Perhaps a shrimp of some sort.

Also, a tank that small tends to need more water changes ... about 3 a week actually. I'd get a 10G and understock it. You'll have more choices for your mum, nicer fish, and an equal amount of water to change, cept that you can do it all in 1 day rather than spread out over 3.
I can see my original post wasn't clear. I've had 3 cherry barbs in a 5.5g for months now, planted to break up sight lines, no problems. I had 6 ghost shrimp, but they died along the way. I accidentally got 2 males and 1 female-- I'd recommend 2 females and 1 male. They're active and happy. HTH~
a great fish to get is a pristella tetra very beutiful and fun i only have 2 n they r doing great u could get proally up to 5 or 6 in your tank i think your mom would like them they r quite active
Pristella tetras get too big, and they need more room, a 5 gallon would be too small for them. I had a couple myself.
Thanks, sinistral! I do sometimes have great ideas despite my blondness. :lol:
Plus I couldn't resist endlers if I tried. :nod:
A lot of these posts have recommended bettas and ADF's. This again depends on the temperment of the betta. Five minutes after I put ADF's in Batista's tank he was trying to eat them. I had to get them out immediately and rehome them in my big tank. I do have other bettas that get along fine with ADF's but every betta is different. Don't try to put ANYTHING with them unless you have a backup plan.
Just MHO.
There's not a lot you can do with 5 gallons.

The only stocking options I'd reccomend are a betta, a trio of male guppies or a dwarf puffer.

You could make a smashing coldwater fishless tank, heavily planted with river shrimp or a newt.

That's about all you can do with 5 gallons. :dunno:
Well I'm going to disagree - there's plenty you can do with a 5 gallon. It's just a matter of deciding what you like or don't like, what's available to you and then researching the fish endlessly until you are certain you can meet its requirements :p

You want more than one fish but don't want livebearers. That narrows it down a little.

What about spotted rasboras? Plenty of different killifish would work. Plant the tank well and you could even breed a couple of american-flag fish in there (they are killies). Some gobies would work though many are brackish. A few neon or rummynose tetras would work but they aren't the hardiest or most interesting of fish and, IMO, more suited to a slightly larger tank... :p Pygmy cories are nice. Honey gouramies would work. A single dwarf gourami with something else is also a possibility though not the very best of options. Are you deffinite you don't want any livebearers? You could combine a couple with something else and do a mini community. Maybe get a couple of pygmy cories, 1 honey gourami and 4 spotted rasboras or a couple of male endler's or just get a few extra cories or rasboras instead. It would be ever so slightly over-stocked but, especialy if you plant it, it should be fine. Maybe replace one species with shrimp or a dwarf frog... There's a lot you can do besides, guppies, a betta or a dwarf puffer. Should point out that a female betta community should consist of at least 4 individuals to disperse aggression so a 5 gallon would be too small for that anyway.

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