

Jan 28, 2007
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Are there any fish that could survive at this temp?
I was thinking of catching some native fish out of the leeds liverpool canal? (familiar with some?) As they wouldbe used to this temp.


I guess goldfish can live in this temperature and other cold blooded fish.
I would imagine species such as roach etc would survive at those temperatures being indigenous and also I knwo they can survive in ponds as aunt has one in her pond.
I guess were talking outdoor ponds here?


Natives that should be in british canals

perch (semi-preditor)
afew native loaches
tench maybe (5oc may be abit chilly for them but maybe not)

Prob many more that i cant think of right now, Ive had roach and gudgeon living in my outdoor pond (thick ice an all) for years, roach arnt all that intersting viewed from above so golden rudd or blue/golden orfe are probably better to view from above because you can see them but there ornimental fish, the silver flanks of a roach in a large aquarium could be cool. gudgeon are cool bottom dweller, only come out in low light conditions tho.

may be able to give better ideas if i new if it was a pond (if so what size) or an outdoor aquarium (in a shed or something)
The problem here is most the fish will die.

Their use to haveing all the space thay want, to then be in a small tank.....
Their get desieases quickly and die.

Also I belive your not allowed to remove fish from the naterial habbitat. The EA and DEFRA enforce this.
its an aquarium in a shed. 2ftlongx1ftwidex1fttall.

The tank is only around 13gallons (US), its simply far far too small for the vast majority of coldwater fish. Most of the fish already listed will grow to over a foot long, and even for true coldwater goldfish like comets and common goldfish the tank is still far too small. Its also too cold for fancy goldfish at only 5 degrees warm, who prefer more warmer coldwater/sub-tropical temps.
IMHO, just go buy a heater for the tank and turn it into a tropical tank- there are an aweful lot more small tropical fish which can go in such a tank than coldwater ones. Does the tank have any filtration?
Gudgeon should be alright in a tank that size (they dont move around a great deal) sticklebacks maybe, small loaches.

There is the whole law thing which generally i ignore, its designed so you dont move fish about from lake to lake spreading diesies (very very bad spelling sorry) but i think its legal to remove fish from the water (think anglers) the illigal part its introducing them to other waters, which hes not, its an indoor tank.
The other thing you would have to consider is that the water you remove these fish from may well belong to someone or an angling club. They may not be best pleased at you pinching fish.

I agree with Tokis-Phoenix just turn it into a tropical tank its too cold and wet (if you're in the UK to be going out fishing)
Gudgeon should be alright in a tank that size (they dont move around a great deal) sticklebacks maybe, small loaches.

There is the whole law thing which generally i ignore, its designed so you dont move fish about from lake to lake spreading diesies (very very bad spelling sorry) but i think its legal to remove fish from the water (think anglers) the illigal part its introducing them to other waters, which hes not, its an indoor tank.

The law isn't just there to stop people introducing fish to other waters, its also primarily there to stop people depleting native fish stocks and to stop selling such fish illegally without a license. There are also a lot of listed fish which are altogether illegal to keep because they are threatended or endangered in the wild or generally vitally important to their native ecosystem and should not be removed.
Also, unless you own the land you are taking the fish from, you are stealing someone elses fish (and probably guilty of trespassing too) unless you speak to the owner of the land about whether they are happy or not about you taking their fish.
Taking fish from the wild is very stressful for them, and many end up dying because they cannot cope with being forced to live in an aquarium- although even now days you still see wild caught fish in pet shops, there is a very high mortality rate amoungst such fish before they even make it to the shelves.
Not only that, but many wild caught fish are notoriously difficult to feed since many do not (and often never do) recognise processed fish foods or dead foods like frozen bloodworms as foods, and so the owner needs to have a constant supply of live food suitable for the fish to keep it alive.
Personally i do not advise taking fish from the wild due to the reasons above, IMHO, when it comes down to it you are not doing anything good for the wild/local ecosystems and often the fish itself involved.
Spot on Tokis-Phoenix.

I've worked on Fish farms and worked with wild fish befor.
You have said what i was trying to explain quickly.

You approch fish farms and get wild type fish very cheep and some will even post them like www.hampshirecarp.co.uk

Steeling fish is surly something we do not want to promote surly!!!
I can not buy a heater. It would be to exspensive to run as the air temperature outside is 1c.

I called the authorities and they said i can take fish out aslong as i do not release them to any other lake etc.

It is not tresspassing, it is a public canal. :blink:

I am going tomorrow. I will see what I can catch.

I can not buy a heater. It would be to exspensive to run as the air temperature outside is 1c.

I called the authorities and they said i can take fish out aslong as i do not release them to any other lake etc.

It is not tresspassing, it is a public canal. :blink:

I am going tomorrow. I will see what I can catch.


See what you can catch? Do you even know what sort of fish dwell in your local waters and how to look after them? Are you aware that you tank is too small for a large percentage of coldwater fish? How are you going to catch the fish? Do you know how to cycle the tank or even what cycling tanks means? I hope you are not just going to go out and grab a load of fish and stick them in the tank as it currently stands...
I can not buy a heater. It would be to exspensive to run as the air temperature outside is 1c.

I called the authorities and they said i can take fish out aslong as i do not release them to any other lake etc.

It is not tresspassing, it is a public canal. :blink:

I am going tomorrow. I will see what I can catch.


See what you can catch? Do you even know what sort of fish dwell in your local waters and how to look after them? Are you aware that you tank is too small for a large percentage of coldwater fish? How are you going to catch the fish? Do you know how to cycle the tank or even what cycling tanks means? I hope you are not just going to go out and grab a load of fish and stick them in the tank as it currently stands...

Tokis do you think I am stupid? :blink: :blink: :blink:
I wouldn't dare keep a fish if I didn't know what it was! And yes I DO know what dwells in local waters!
My tank IS cycled.

Tokis, I am not some retarded newbie who knows nothing, I have been keeping fish for 4 years now.

How am i going to catch them? Well I am going to use something called a fishing rod, Something speciffically designed for the job.



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