Where abouts did you purchase your 55gal tank. Was it on level ground. The larger your tank the more important a factor this really is. A similiar thing happen with my friends custom 36gal tank where the glass didn't break but just seeming fell off this is because of what they used to make the seams. I'd reconmend gathering the parts up again use a level and make sure your floor is even take a picture if it is (digi cam if you can ) bring the picture back to the place you purchased the aquarium and see what they can do for you. Most please will reseal your aquarium if it has been under a year if you purchased it from walmart they will give you a new aquarium (that store is good for somthing). My friend got hers resealed without costs and hasn't had problems since. If your lucky your might get your 55 gal replaced without charge by the end of the week.