56 gallon

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karrihug said:
it would be nice if the people that sell fish would be honest, or keep their mouths shut when they don't know what they are talking about
I totally agree.

How high is your 56 gallon? I woukd imagine there's room for your angels, looking at your stock. You could set up a home for the platties in the 10 gallon perhaps?

:unsure: ok, i had my gravel and filter in a bucket with a little water for about 12 hours. it is almost 48 hours since i put everything back together and i am still reading 0 ammonia and 0 nitrites. did i get lucky and not loose all my bacteria? or do i just not have enough fish to have brought my levels up to measureable yet? i also added 3 live plants and my big filter stopped working, i have the undergravel and a small(good for 20 gal) running from before the disaster and i have a biowheel coming tomorrow. oh, and my wter is very cloudy. :unsure:
scary stuff!
I'm not going to sleep properly for a while now - getting worried about my tank popping!
Mind you its 3:20am already, i might go and check the heaters havent stuck on (my other fear!)
omg!!!! sorry about your fish!!! you have my strongest sympathy for your horrible experience.
we had a similar episode about 6 weeks ago our 44gal bowed out at the back & the seal ruptured causing a major waterfall(& headache) the day from hell does not even begin to describe it!!! we had all our fish 30+ in a tiny 1 ft long hosp tank for a few hours while i swam around the lounge trying to stem the tide ( we live in a 1st floor flat) & my other half shot off to buy a new tank. :sad:

we lost a hillstream loach a week or so later (stress too much i suppose) & just recently 2 neons ( seemed to be severe fungus - caused their tails to kink & despite qt & treatment had to euthanase as they didnt improve & couldnt swim properly at all :( ). we saved our gravel + 4 buckets of old tank water so havent seen any probs with ammonia/nitrite etc... it was a while ago now but i still have nightmares about it & when i hear water trickling it makes me nervous!!!

our tank was second hand but had been going for nearly 10 months before this happened.....bad luck, but could have been worse, i was home & up, i usually would have worked the night before & would have got up that afternoon to a flood + all our fish dead....so i dont think it was bad luck more good luck really....
sounds like youve just about got it all sorted now
good luck
Think I have problems until I read something like that.....

Keeping the angel in the 56G should be fine, IMO.
wow that would have been dreadful!
im glad you have got a replacement though.
It must have had a weak spot in that part of the glass.

sorry about the fishys you lost :(
Where abouts did you purchase your 55gal tank. Was it on level ground. The larger your tank the more important a factor this really is. A similiar thing happen with my friends custom 36gal tank where the glass didn't break but just seeming fell off this is because of what they used to make the seams. I'd reconmend gathering the parts up again use a level and make sure your floor is even take a picture if it is (digi cam if you can ) bring the picture back to the place you purchased the aquarium and see what they can do for you. Most please will reseal your aquarium if it has been under a year if you purchased it from walmart they will give you a new aquarium (that store is good for somthing). My friend got hers resealed without costs and hasn't had problems since. If your lucky your might get your 55 gal replaced without charge by the end of the week.
a1wonder said:
Where abouts did you purchase your 55gal tank. Was it on level ground. The larger your tank the more important a factor this really is. A similiar thing happen with my friends custom 36gal tank where the glass didn't break but just seeming fell off this is because of what they used to make the seams. I'd reconmend gathering the parts up again use a level and make sure your floor is even take a picture if it is (digi cam if you can ) bring the picture back to the place you purchased the aquarium and see what they can do for you. Most please will reseal your aquarium if it has been under a year if you purchased it from walmart they will give you a new aquarium (that store is good for somthing). My friend got hers resealed without costs and hasn't had problems since. If your lucky your might get your 55 gal replaced without charge by the end of the week.
Er... you do know this topic is a month old? Kari has already had her tank replaced, if you read back.

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