56 gallon


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Apr 10, 2004
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it was 1:13 am and the aquariam exploded waking me my mother and my father. we managed to save most of the fish.now our 2.5 gallon has 6 fish and our 10 gallon has14 and both of those is not including the 1 fish in eachtank. what can I do? :dunno:
hi, this is karri, i am cindy's mom. has anyone ever heard of something like this happening? the whole front of the aquarium just blew out. the glass broke, it didn't happen at the seams, almost half of the glass is in one piece in the middle of the floor, i called pet supermarket and they will call me back they have never heard of anything like this either. i have to call the lfs and see if they can take about 20 fish at least for a while. i am afraid they will die if i don't get them out of the smaller tanks they are in. :dunno: :angry: :look:

OMG! That is my worst fear.

Could you get buckets? Like fermentaion buckets and small heaters? I think those hold about 5 gallons.

It would help for a while, if you put the filter in you may be able to save the bacteria.

What kind of fish are they and what do you have available to put them in? Maybe there would be away to organise them to help at least. Have you been in touch with the people you bought it from? They should be giving you a new tank but should also IMO (and if you ask nicely) provide you with something to help the fish.

Good luck and let us know what happens :)
we have 3 zebra danios 5 neon tetras 3 glowlight tetras 1 coulumbian cat
3 plattys 1 angle fish 2 glas cats 1 molly 1 pleco 1male 1female guppies and 1 sword tail.we have a 5 gallon bucket and a filter from our betta tank that can be used. we have contacted the place we bought it from so the manager is asking his boss what to do. -_-
The only fish I would be really worried about (as the others are quite small) are the angel fish and the columbian catfish. Is this what you mean by that Columbian Shark Cat

If so what size is it, and what size is the angel?

Do you know someone with a big enough tank (without tankmates incompatible) to house them for a while?
omg a while back my 29g tank jus bursted from the front too luckly i was sitting there jus watching my fish and it happened its a good think i had a 20g back up tank
The only fish I would be really worried about (as the others are quite small) are the angel fish and the columbian catfish. Is this what you mean by that Columbian Shark Cat
that looks like my fish, he is currently about 3". lfs told me when i bought him last week that he would reach top size at about 5". i think they lied. one angel is about the size of a quarter. the one that was alone till last night though is quite big now. he was happy all alone in his 10 gallon, and we were trying to figure out if we should take him to lfs for store credit or get a new tank to keep him in before he starts doing jaws impersonations :D . i am waiting for pet supermarket to call me back, if i haven't heard from them soon i will take my husband(everyone says he is scarey) and the blown tank and go up there. :whistle:
columbian sharks grow to over a metre. thats if they ever make it :( there are never looked after properly and they also require brackish water when they mature.

minimum 6foot tank is required IMO (and thats too small)

its horible to see these sold so widely :(
before someone comes and says "the profile i saw for the fish says it only reaches 10inches maximim" might like to look at this pic....this is how they shoul look if given the right enviroment.


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karrihug said:
am waiting for pet supermarket to call me back, if i haven't heard from them soon i will take my husband(everyone says he is scarey) and the blown tank and go up there. :whistle:
I would be very worried about ahving a shark cat to be honest. They definatley are not 5" fish.

I think you should go to the LFS with the tank etc. They'll try to get you out of the way and if there's many customers they are likely to give you what you want to get rid of you!!

good luck
I am reading about these tanks that have exploded on you guys. :-(
Were these tanks old? Whats going on? I would be devestated if my 75 gallon exploded.

I had a friend who was adding rocks to his 55 gallon a week ago, and one slipped out of his hand and shattered the bottom of the tank! :no: :no: :no: :no:

And the other day, matinance man came to house to fix something, he saw my tank and told me when he was in school his roomates 100g exploded sounding like a bomb hit living room!~

Is that picture really of an Arius Seemani??? Looks like a Pangasius to me.
well, they gave me a new tank, the manager was kindof a jerk, but the kid who sold me the tank in the first place remembered me cause it was just two months ago. they said they had never seen anything like that before. it is up and running, with the gravel and filters that hopefully still have some bacteria colonys, growing, i kept them wet the entire time but no air movement. everybody is in their proper tanks. i lost 5 neon tetras and 3 glowlight tetras. my orange platie aborted and so did my guppy, but my mickey mouse platie looks like she will drop babies any minute now. hope the recycle doesn't take long and hurt my fishies. :nod:

guess i need to fix my sig
Congrats! I am glad it got sorted out. Shame about the tetra :(

You might want to find a new home for you shark catfish btw. Also, does your daughters signature really say you have 2 angels in a 2.5gallon and one in a 10gallon?

the two in the 2.5 were moved to the big tank, one didn't make it, we bought him cause he was being picked on by the bigger ones at teh lfs, the other is the size of a quarter right now. i am either getting a larger tank for the angels or giving them to a friend who has room for them, teh one in the ten gallon is not full grown yet, but i know it will not work much longer. had to remove him from the 56 gal cause he was getting to aggressive with my platies. it would be nice if the people that sell fish would be honest, or keep their mouths shut when they don't know what they are talking about

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