55us Gal Planted Tank

Eeesh that fish is wasting away. I would recommend you take him out and put him in quarantine and then beef him back up.
Other then that it's looking good.
Eeesh that fish is wasting away. I would recommend you take him out and put him in quarantine and then beef him back up.
Other then that it's looking good.

Discus lovers think alike i guess! I was thinking the same thing to be honest, he has been like that since I have gotten them and looks like he hasn't grown much to be honest. He eats but looks like not enough to fill his belly so its puffy, that picture of the pigon blood was taken along time ago. But right now I added a new discus to the tank so now 4 and have notice in the week the pecking order has changed. when I got the blue dimond, he was smaller than the pigon blood now its bigger than the pigon blood i really honestly don't know what to think, when the pigon blood stresses out it turns pure white, seen that from when he was quartine before. but honestly i don't know I am a little puzzled atm with it because he is showing better colour now then ever before :crazy: Not only that but they still get feed 4 times a day! and he eats all the time. Send me a wisper talk to you in there mate!

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